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WerbungOh, tolle News, Mr. Soul.
Da freu ich mich aber drauf! And now that I’m… war/ist eine Großtat von Songwriterplatte.--
"Wir wollten Musik kreieren, die nicht Formeln wiederholt, sondern eigenständig ist und auch mal einen eingängigen Refrain links liegen lässt, wenn der wirklich schöne Moment an einer anderen Stelle zu finden ist." - Robin PecknoldNach einer ungewöhnlich langen Wartezeit (immerhin über 1,5 Jahre) erscheint im September das neue Damien Jurado Album. „Caught In The Trees“ wird es heißen und eine Studiofassung des alten Songs „Gilian Was A Horse“, die ebenfalls auf dem Album zu finden sein wird, gibt es nun bei Myspace zu hören.
schön, endlich ein neues album! ich mochte die vorherigen sehr, also bin ich mal gespannt, wie das neue sein wird.
-- Melusine! Kraweel, Kraweel! Taubtrüber Ginst am Musenhain Trübtauber Hain am Musenginst Kraweel, Kraweel!Jetzt gibt es auch offizielles von SC:
Die Tracklist:
[COLOR=#0000ff]Gillian Was A Horse
Coats Of Ice
Go First
Sorry Is For You
Last Rights
Everything Trying
Paper Kite
Best Dress
Predictive LivingDas Cover:
und Text:
„Caught In the Trees“ marks the dawn of a new era for Damien Jurado. It may not be a huge
departure from some of his past albums musically, but lyrically Jurado has taken a giant leap forward and there is no turning back. Best known for his dark yet fragile first person fictional tales, Jurado now unlocks the door and invites us into his own enigmatic world with an energy and intensity that is all-consuming.Jurado took a full year to make this record, longer than ever before, as he ran away from and eventually found himself in his own songs. He subsequently found refuge in sharing the songs with his closest friends and bandmates, Eric Fisher and Jenna Conrad. Having walked alongside him through this most challenging journey, the songs that came out of it are as much theirs as his. Jurado, Fisher, and Conrad collaborated on the compositions – some much more rocking than Jurado fans are used to, but ever as intense – and pulled in producers Kory Kruckenberg and Casey Foubert to contribute their own unique stylings.
Recording started in the summer months and the sweltering heat, and wrapped in the freezing temps of winter. (It is clear on first listen that two distinct seasons are represented through „Caught In the Trees“ – an accidental metaphor perhaps?) There was laughter and there was introspection, and the result is a record that Jurado loyalists will find was worth the wait. And perhaps a reason to listen for those who have yet to give this bedraggled storyteller a chance
"i tell all my friends that i'm bound for heaven, and if it ain't so you can't blame me for living" Thank You, Jason!Eine tolle Platte. Auf jeden Fall anders, als die letzten düsteren Alben und trotzdem sehr gelungen. Erinnert mich am ehesten an ‚I Break Chairs‘.
Hier meine Meinung ausführlich.
Schlagwörter: Damien Jurado
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