CHICAGO – "Chicago At Carnegie Hall" (50th Anniversary) [16 CDs] VÖ: 16.07.2021

Startseite Foren Die Tonträger: Aktuell und Antiquariat Replays: Neuauflagen, Deluxe- und erweiterte Editionen CHICAGO – "Chicago At Carnegie Hall" (50th Anniversary) [16 CDs] VÖ: 16.07.2021

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  • #11431559  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 28.03.2012

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    Die schlechte Nachricht vorab: wohl leider nur über RHINO direkt

    Robert Lamm, Peter Cetera, Terry Kath, James Pankow, Lee Loughnane, Walt Parazaider, and Danny Seraphine took the world by storm with 1969’s Chicago Transit Authority. The double album inaugurated a string of twelve successive platinum or multi-platinum LPs for the group over the next decade. The largest of them all was 1971’s Chicago at Carnegie Hall, colloquially referred to as Chicago IV. Over a whopping eight sides of vinyl, the 4-LP box set presented highlights from the band’s six-night, eight-show residency of April 5-10, 1971, a first for a rock band at the venerable New York hall.

    “4-Record Set/Very Special Low Price…Also Included/2 Giant Wall Posters/1 Colossal Wall Poster/1 Full-Color 20-Page Photo Album,” trumpeted the sticker on the box. A No. 3 success on the Billboard 200, it was a D.I.Y. kit to immerse the listener in all things Chicago, and remains a beloved if controversial entry in their catalogue. Carnegie Hall was and is renowned for its acoustic qualities, making it an unusual venue for heavily-amplified electric jazz-rock with horns. The band and the Columbia label were initially at loggerheads as to how to record and present the concerts, and there were concerns over the sound quality captured over the six evenings. But when the box sold over two million copies, preserving the sound of a young, hungry, and innovative band on fire, any doubts were naturally allayed. The album received a 1972 Billboard Trendsetter Award for breaking new ground. Now, Rhino is celebrating 50 years of Chicago at Carnegie Hall with a new box set collecting the complete eight concerts on 16 CDs. It’s due on July 16 as an exclusive to the webstore.

    Produced by James William Guercio, Chicago at Carnegie Hall has been collected numerous times on CD – most notably in Rhino’s 2005 box set. That 4-CD presentation in a rigid, embossed slipcase replicated the original three posters and photo album, and added one disc of eight newly-mixed performances not featured on the original 4-LP set including “Listen,” “South California Purples,” “Loneliness Is Just a Word,” “An Hour in the Shower,” and alternates of “25 or 6 to 4” and “Sing a Mean Tune, Kid.” This iteration presents everything heard during Chicago’s eight Carnegie Hall concerts, the result of more than a year’s work by Lee Loughnane and engineer Tim Jessup in Loughnane’s new Arizona studio.

    The box takes the form of a white folio embossed with Chicago’s famous logo. In addition to the 16 CDs, it also includes the replica posters and a 28-page booklet with the concert photos as well as liner notes from Lee Loughnane, archivist Jeff Magid, David Wild, and comedian/Chicago enthusiast Jimmy Pardo.

    Chicago, Chicago at Carnegie Hall: Complete (Rhino, 2021)


    1: First Show – First Set [62:43]

    1.Scott Muni Intro

    2.Someday (August 29, 1968)

    3.Loneliness Is Just A Word

    4.South California Purples




    8.Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is (Free Form Intro)

    9.Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is

    Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon:

    10.Make Me Smile

    11.So Much To Say, So Much To Give

    12.Anxiety’s Moment

    13.West Virginia Fantasies

    14.Colour My World

    15.To Be Free

    16.Now More Than Ever


    CD 2: First Show – Second Set [69:12]

    1.Return to Stage and Tuning

    It Better End Soon:

    2.1st Movement

    3.2nd Movement

    4.3rd Movement

    5.4th Movement

    6.5th Movement

    7.Fancy Colours

    8.In The Country

    9.Where Do We Go From Here

    10.A Song For Richard And His Friends

    11.Sing A Mean Tune Kid

    12.Flight 602

    13.Motorboat To Mars


    15.25 Or 6 To 4


    CD 3: Second Show – First Set [59:19]

    1.Band Introduction and Tuning




    5.In The Country

    6.Where Do We Go From Here

    7.Sing A Mean Tune Kid

    Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon:

    8.Make Me Smile

    9.So Much To Say, So Much To Give

    10.Anxiety’s Moment

    11.West Virginia Fantasies

    12.Colour My World

    13.To Be Free

    14.Now More Than Ever


    CD 4: Second Show – Second Set [76:04]

    1.Return to Stage and Tuning

    2.Fancy Colours




    4.Once Upon A Time…

    5.The Approaching Storm

    6.Man Vs. Man: The End

    7.Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (Free Form Intro)

    8.Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?


    It Better End Soon:

    9.1st Movement

    10.2nd Movement (Flute Solo)

    11.3rd Movement (Guitar Solo)

    12.4th Movement (Preach)

    13.5th Movement

    14.Loneliness Is Just A Word

    15.A Song for Richard and His Friends

    Travel Suite:

    16.Flight 602

    17.Motorboat To Mars


    19.25 or 6 to 4


    CD 5: Third Show – First Set [53:31]

    1.Tuning and Introduction




    5.Fancy Colours

    6.Southern California Purples

    7.Loneliness Is Just A Word

    Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon:

    8.Make Me Smile

    9.So Much To Say, So Much To Give

    10.Anxiety’s Moment

    11.West Virginia Fantasies

    12.Colour My World

    13.To Be Free

    14.Now More Than Ever


    CD 6: Third Show – Second Set [76:43]

    1.Return to stage


    3.Happy ‘Cause I’m Going Home


    5.A Song For Richard And His Friends

    6.I Don’t Want Your Money

    7.Where Do We Go From Here

    8.Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (Free Form Intro)

    9.Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?


    It Better End Soon:

    10.1st Movement

    11.2nd Movement (Flute Solo)

    12.3rd Movement (Guitar Solo)

    13.4th Movement (Preach)

    14.5th Movement

    15.Flight 602

    16.Motorboat to Mars


    18.25 or 6 to 4


    CD 7: Fourth Show – First Set [55:19]

    1.Tuning and Introduction

    2.Loneliness Is Just A Word


    4.Sing A Mean Tune Kid

    5.Fancy Colours


    7.Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (Free Form Intro)

    8.Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

    Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon:

    9.Make Me Smile

    10.So Much To Say, So Much To Give

    11.Anxiety’s Moment

    12.West Virginia Fantasies

    13.Colour My World

    14.To Be Free

    15.Now More Than Ever


    CD 8: Fourth Show – Second Set [64:44]

    1.Return to stage / Tuning

    It Better End Soon:

    2.1st Movement

    3.2nd Movement (Flute Solo)

    4.3rd Movement (Guitar Solo)

    5.4th Movement (Preach)

    6.5th Movement

    7.Happy ‘Cause I’m Going Home

    8.Where Do We Go From Here

    9.A Song For Richard And His Friends

    10.I Don’t Want Your Money

    11.An Hour In The Shower

    12.Flight 602

    13.Motorboat To Mars


    15.25 Or 6 To 4


    CD 9: Fifth Show [47:01]

    1.Tuning and Introduction

    2.In The Country

    3.Fancy Colours

    4.Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (Free Form Intro)

    5.Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

    6.Southern California Purples



    CD 10: Fifth Show (continued) [48:58]


    2.Flight 602

    3.Motorboat to Mars


    5.Where Do We Go From Here

    Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon:

    6.Make Me Smile

    7.So Much To Say, So Much To Give

    8.Anxiety’s Moment

    9.West Virginia Fantasies

    10.Colour My World

    11.To Be Free

    12.Now More Than Ever

    13.A Song For Richard And His Friends

    14.25 Or 6 To 4


    CD 11: Sixth Show [40:41]

    1.Tuning and Introduction


    3.Fancy Colours

    4.Introduction to Questions 67 & 68

    5.Questions 67 & 68

    6.Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (Free Form Intro, ‘Nasal Finger Tones’)

    7.Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

    It Better End Soon:

    8.1st Movement

    9.2nd Movement (Flute Solo)

    10.3rd Movement (Guitar Solo)

    11.4th Movement (Preach)

    12.5th Movement


    CD 12: Sixth Show (continued) [51:01]

    1.Loneliness Is Just A Word

    2.Sing A Mean Tune Kid


    4.Where Do We Go From Here

    Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon:

    5.Make Me Smile

    6.So Much To Say, So Much To Give

    7.Anxiety’s Moment

    8.West Virginia Fantasies

    9.Colour My World

    10.To Be Free

    11.Now More Than Ever

    12.I’m A Man


    CD 12: Seventh Show – First Set [64:54]

    1.In The Country

    2.Fancy Colours

    3.Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (Free Form Intro)

    4.Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

    5.Southern California Purples


    CD 13-16: Setlists TBA


    Links: SecondDisc   RHINO-Store



    Highlights von
    #11431591  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 21.06.2016

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    Du kündigst immer viele (superpompöse) Wiederveröffentlichungen an, aber bleibst die wichtige Aussage schuldig, ob Du diese Dir auch mal zulegst. B-)


    Jokerman. Jetzt schon 71 Jahre Rock 'n' Roll
    #11433027  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 28.03.2012

    Beiträge: 2,755

    Öhm … soll ich hier im Forum „Hab’ich! Hab’ich!“ rumlaufen? :scratch:

    Für die teilweise überhöhten Preise kann ich auch nichts, aber das ändert nichts daran, dass die eine oder andere VÖ auch für den einen oder anderen interessant ist.

    PS: die CHICAGO hier würde ich mir aber tatsächlich leisten – wenn sie nicht nur aus den USA sondern auch aus der EU angeboten würde.


    #11433095  | PERMALINK

    Ex-Klär-Kanal-Pumpen und Elektrowärter

    Registriert seit: 24.06.2016

    Beiträge: 7,311

    flashbackmagazineÖhm … soll ich hier im Forum „Hab’ich! Hab’ich!“ rumlaufen? Für die teilweise überhöhten Preise kann ich auch nichts, aber das ändert nichts daran, dass die eine oder andere VÖ auch für den einen oder anderen interessant ist. PS: die CHICAGO hier würde ich mir aber tatsächlich leisten – wenn sie nicht nur aus den USA sondern auch aus der EU angeboten würde.


    Gibt es da auch eine abgespeckte Version?


    Wenn ich meinen Hund beleidigen will nenne ich ihn Mensch. (AS) „Weißt du, was ich manchmal denke? Es müsste immer Musik da sein. Bei allem was du machst. Und wenn's so richtig Scheiße ist, dann ist wenigstens noch die Musik da. Und an der Stelle, wo es am allerschönsten ist, da müsste die Platte springen und du hörst immer nur diesen einen Moment.“ +27233
    #11433103  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.07.2002

    Beiträge: 77,991

    flashbackmagazineDie schlechte Nachricht vorab: wohl leider nur über RHINO direkt

    Die gute Nachricht: Überflüssiger Kram. Braucht niemand!


    #11433135  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 28.03.2012

    Beiträge: 2,755


    Gibt es da auch eine abgespeckte Version?

    Nach derzeitigem Stand wohl nicht. Diesbezüglich bleibt es bei den bisher veröffentlichten Versionen (wenn mich nicht täuscht, waren das 2CD- bzw. 3CD-Packages).


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