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WerbungBob Dylan – The Bootleg Series 5: Bob Dylan Live 1975
Sony Music
VÖ: 25.11.2002Seit nahezu vier Jahrzehnten zählt BOB DYLAN zu den Ausnahmekünstlern schlechthin. Ungebrochen seine prosaische Kraft und sein erstaunliches Gespür für zeitlos-griffige Kompositionen. Im Rahmen der Reihe „The Bootleg Series“ liegt als Volume 5 nun ein weiteres Karriere-Glanzlicht vor: Lange Zeit nur auf kruden Bootlegs erhältlich, gelten die Live-Mitschnitte der „Rolling Thunder Revue 1975“ unter Dylan-Aficionados als ähnlich geheiligtes Relikt wie das legendäre „Royal Albert Hall Concert“ von 1966. Für die facettenreiche Revue mit zahlreichen prominenten Mitstreitern wie Joan Baez, Ramblin‘ Jack Elliott, T-Bone Burnett, Mick Ronson, Ronnee Blakely, Roger McGuinn, Joni Mitchell und Allen Ginsberg stand im Grunde der kollektive Zeitgeist der Hippie-dominierten Swinging Sixties Pate – eine wilde Truppe zieht wie eine Zigeunerkarawane durchs Land, um dort Halt zu machen und zu spielen, wo es gerade gefällt. Aufgezeichnet bei vier Shows in Worcester, Boston, Cambridge und Montreal, lagen die nunmehr digital optimierten Konzert-Performances jahrzehntelang in Archiven brach. Die 22, sich auf zwei CDs verteilenden Tracks wurden luxuriös verpackt und mit einem 56-seitigen Booklet ausgestattet, das Liner Notes von Larry „Ratso“ Sloman sowie jede Menge unveröffentlichte Fotos enthält. Eine „Limited Edition“ offeriert zusätzlich noch eine DVD mit Videos zu „Tangled Up In Blue“ und „Isis“ in 5.1 Dolby Surround.
DISC 1 1. TONIGHT I’LL BE STAYING HERE WITH YOU – recorded at the Forum de Montreal, Montreal, CAN; 12/4/75 2. IT AIN’T ME, BABE – recorded at the Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA; 11/20/75 3. A HARD RAIN’S A-GONNA FALL – recorded at the Forum de Montreal, Montreal, CAN; 12/4/75 4. THE LONESOME DEATH OF HATTIE CARROLL – recorded at the Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA; 11/21/75 (second show) 5. ROMANCE IN DURANGO – recorded at the Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA; 11/20/75 6. ISIS – recorded at the Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA; 11/21/75 (second show) 7. MR. TAMBOURINE MAN – recorded at the Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA; 11/21/75 (first show) 8. SIMPLE TWIST OF FATE – recorded at the Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA; 11/20/75 9. MAMA, YOU BEEN ON MY MIND – recorded at the Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA; 11/20/75 10. BLOWIN‘ IN THE WIND – recorded at the Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA; 11/21/75 (second show) 11. I SHALL BE RELEASED – recorded at the Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA; 11/21/75 (first show)
DISC 2 1. IT’S ALL OVER NOW, BABY BLUE – recorded at the Forum de Montreal, Montreal, CAN; 12/4/75 2. LOVE MINUS ZERO/NO LIMIT – recorded at the Forum de Montreal, Montreal, CAN; 12/4/75 3. TANGLED UP IN BLUE – recorded at the Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA; 11/21/75 (second show) 4. THE WATER IS WIDE – recorded at the Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA; 11/21/75 (second show) 5. IT TAKES A LOT TO LAUGH, IT TAKES A TRAIN TO CRY – recorded at the Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA; 11/21/75 (second show) 6. OH, SISTER – recorded at the Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA; 11/21/75 (second show) 7. HURRICANE – recorded at the Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA; 11/19/75 8. ONE MORE CUP OF COFFEE (VALLEY BELOW) – recorded at the Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA; 11/21/75 (second show) 9. SARA – recorded at the Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA; 11/21/75 (second show) 10. JUST LIKE A WOMAN – recorded at the Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA; 11/21/75 (second show)--
Nur noch 4mal schlafen gehen,dann isses soweit..
A Kiss in the DreamhouseNur noch 4mal schlafen gehen,dann isses soweit..
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :sauf: :sauf: :band: :geist: :gitarre:
Bob Dylan
Live 1975: The Bootleg Series Volume 5
Columbia, 2002
——————————————————————————–In November of 1975, Bob Dylan was hitting his stride in a way he hadn’t since his mid-’60s amphetamine-fueled heyday. In January, Blood On The Tracks—one of Dylan’s most accomplished and affecting albums—had been released. That spring, he began popping up in his old Greenwich Village haunts, hungry for some new inspiration. By the end of the summer, he had recorded the adventurous, genre-bending Desire, which would go on to be Dylan’s only chart-topping LP of the ’70s. Yes, the man was on an undeniable roll, his critical and commercial standing reaching new and unprecedented heights. And to cap off this banner year, Dylan embarked on one of the most exciting and innovative tours of his career.
This tour, dubbed the Rolling Thunder Revue, is given its due on the new volume of Dylan’s on-again off-again Bootleg Series. The 22 songs collected on the double-disc paint a well-nigh definitive picture of what went down as Dylan and his merry band of musicians played a string of tiny theater and small arena dates in the northeast United States and Canada. For the past 27 years, die-hard fans have had to rely on decent-to- terrible sounding bootlegs of these now-legendary shows. But Live 1975 presents crystal clear recordings of Dylan and the Rolling Thunder band in all of its glory.
And this is a good thing, because this band was really something else. On paper, it looks like chaos, like a bad idea gone horribly wrong. The glam-rock lead guitar of ex-Spider From Mars Mick Ronson, the country fried pedal steel and mandolin of David Mansfield, the gypsy violin of Scarlet Rivera—these ingredients should by all rights make for a foul-tasting combo. But, somehow, the sonic mismatching conjures up a beautifully loose and ragged atmosphere, appropriate for the carnival-esque feel of the tour.
The Rolling Thunder ’75 tour saw Dylan reclaiming some of his best-known tunes and transforming them with new and exciting arrangements. „It Ain’t Me, Babe,“ one of Dylan’s undisputed classics, is irreverently given a loping, almost-reggae beat. And the formerly hymn-like „A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall“ is played as a pounding, vintage Chicago blues, with Dylan hollering like a man possessed.
The songwriter seems positively ecstatic in his new musical surroundings. In the opening cut, „Tonight I’ll Be Staying Here With You,“ he shouts „get ready!“ His voice sounds warmer than ever before or after. Elsewhere, on the solo acoustic cuts and the handful of duets performed with Joan Baez, he actually sounds happy to be there, happy to be performing for his audience. Yes, Live 75 offers a glimpse into what a happy Bob Dylan might sound like. Surprisingly enough, Dylan doesn’t need to brood to be brilliant.
Also highlighted on Live 75 are the weird and wonderful songs from Desire, which wouldn’t be released until 1976. Dylan debuted more than half of the album on this tour, and the performances, quite frankly, blow away the studio versions. The gripping performance of „Isis“ is worth the price of admission alone. And the mysterious „One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below),“ one of the stranger songs Dylan’s ever written, is given a bone chilling and precise reading. Dylan would never again perform many of these songs, making this tour even more special.
If Live 75 had been released immediately following the Rolling Thunder tour, it would have been undoubtedly hailed as one of the great live albums of the ’70s. Better late than never, I suppose. Fans can only hope that Dylan’s Bootleg Series continues with more regularity in the future. The man’s vault is bulging with unreleased material that is vital to our understanding and appreciation of this great songwriter. Volumes 1-5 are just the tip of the iceberg.
schon geordert, dock
klar natürlich die limitierte Version !!!!
Habe es bei Amazon vorbestellt. Ich hoffe das geht amMontag raus.
Wann kommt Horst Lichter mit dem Händlerkärtchen und knallt mich ab?Habe es bei Amazon vorbestellt. Ich hoffe das geht amMontag raus.
Ich auch :twisted: :twisted:
Live 1975 Earns Early Raves
„His best live recording to date…a revealing, historic recording…a masterwork…and wondrously beautful“:
Read David Means‘ review in this week’s New York Observer.wer schon mal reinhören möchte hat hier die Gelegenheit dazu
Nach dem Reinhören vorab folgendes absolut fantastisch und auf einer Stufe mit Live 66 !!!
Läßt die bisherigen Höhepunkte des Jahres wie Wilco, Lambchop, Bright Eyes, Libertines von Oasis und Konsorten ganz zu schweigen MEILENWEIT hinter sich….für mich mit Abstand RELEASE DES JAHRES ***** wo wenn nicht hier ?????
noch einmal schlafen dann isses soweit…… :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
leider muß man sich vorerst mit der„digitalen Volksausgabe“
zufrieden geben….. :kotz:
Columbia :evil: :evil:
so viel Vorschußloorbeeren, da hab ich doch erst einmal den unbestechlichen verrückten Norweger zur Einstufung von Live 1966 befragt, hier das Ergebnis:
Das Album kam in der 1998er Abrechnung auf Platz 16, in der 90er Jahre Wertung auf Platz 179 und in der „ewigen Bestenliste“ auf Platz 758. Bin schon sehr gespannt ob die „Neue“ unter die besten 750 kommt. :D
Captain Beefheart to audience: Is everyone feeling all right? Audience: Yeahhhhh!!! awright...!!! Captain Beefheart: That's not a soulful question, that's a medical question. It's too hot in here.gibts einen buckley unter den ersten tausend. werde immer mehr fan!
gib mal den link zum verrückten norweger.
selbst listenzweifler dürfen listen lesen. oder?98 muss aber ein schlechter jahrgang gewesen sein.
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