Björk – Metamorphobia

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  • #36551  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 17.07.2005

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    Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh, und zwar noch dieses Jahr erwartet uns Björk neuestes Album und irgendwie auch nach einer gewissen Abstinenz von mir bin ich wieder zurück.

    Hier ein Interview mit Björk:

    ‚Icelandic popstar, Bjork, has put her fans in extreme anxiety as she has announced the date of her upcoming album, Metamorphobia, to be „??.??.??“. We decided to ask Bjork about her mysterious announcement.
    Jane Oliver: Now Bjork, on your site you have announced „??.??.?? – new album“ under upcoming releases, does this mean we can expect the album to be released anytime soon?
    Bjork: Well, yes. We have finally put all the songs together and have I have come up with the order they will be in on the album, but we have not decided on the cover yet. I would like for Metamorphobia to come out pretty soon, like before Christmas, but we still have some stuff to figure out first before we come up with a release date. But I’d like it to be soon, yeah.
    Jane Oliver: Why did you decide to make „Metamorphobia“ the title?
    Bjork: Well, it’s like, I think I’ve finally grown my wings and become the butterfly I was meant to be, right? And the album is really different from any other album, but it’s not like it’s not me, you know? Like a butterfly is still that caterpillar it used to be, just more beautiful. Surrounded was sortof my cacoon and now I’m free of it.‘

    Highlights von
    #5246689  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 09.03.2006

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    MichaelCorleoneAnd the album is really different from any other album, but it’s not like it’s not me, you know?

    Bleibt also alles anders – wie gehabt bei Björk. Anyways, ich freu mich drauf. :-)

    #5246691  | PERMALINK

    Gang of One

    Registriert seit: 03.11.2004

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    Auf der Webseite ( gibt es Neuigkeiten zum kommenden Album, nämlich darüber, wer alles mitmacht. Es wird wohl noch bis zum „späten Frühjahr“ dauern.

    We here at have received communication from our very own Meester Fly, and we are glad to post it now:

    „It has not been snowing at all here, but today we are graced with snow. It is a few days after the hidden people and elves move home, if they have to. We are in Iceland. I arrived after a short absence of mind and body back into the HQ of the MWC. I got the word to get back on the case and gather some knowledge, as I of course, am truly the wise one.

    Being the one and only I got sent new songs from Björk. These songs are to be on the new album she has been working on for the past months. She has been all around the world to record, working with numerous people from truly different background. I have been left with many thoughts after listening to these tracks, the first impression is that I want to hear more, as I did not get everything shortlisted for the record. It made me excited.
    The only thing I have heard prior of the making of this new record was a collaboration with Timbaland was being penned in. They met for a couple of sessions and laid down some beats for two tracks, „then I took these tracks and worked on them further“, says Björk. This is true, as I hear that she has taken them to a another level.

    We speak about the many collaborators on this record and the list is very interesting as Antony Hegarty duets on two tracks. Drummer Chris Corsano jumps into at least the 2 songs. New sounds and instrumentation are provided by Toumani Diabaté who plays the Kora and Konono Nr.1 with electric thumb pianos. More percussive delights come from Brian Chippendale from Lightning Bolt. Great artists being drafted into the fold!

    This list is very impressive and intriguing and from this first batch of song create a very unique sound and emotion. Nothing sounds really familiar about this experience, apart from the name of Mark Bell, him I know. And Sjón, turns to form to deliver one lyric, his 5th lyric since they started work together. This record is a Björk production par excellence. No stone left unturned to seek out the perfect pitch.

    And more work is being done in the next few weeks on the new record. It has not got a name. The record is scheduled for late spring release. Some of us have wished to see Björk live in concert.
    Well. Björk will be going on the road and giving us long wanted concert recitals. Yes gigging again. I get to see who is the band, I’ll be damned, I forgot. It is being finalised right now! From what I remember: We are in for a treat. I am promised to be there. Bien sur. Of-course. Að sjálfsögðu. More soon.“


    To Hell with Poverty
    #5246693  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 15.04.2006

    Beiträge: 55

    Aber es wirde jetzt nicht Metamorphobia heißen oder?

    lol, ich hoffe die neue Platte wird mal wieder ein bisschen ‚härter‘ so wie in alten KUKL-tagen, hehe

    ach ich hab noch was feines für alle Björkfans hier:



    I don't know my future after this weekend And I don't want to
    #5246695  | PERMALINK

    Gang of One

    Registriert seit: 03.11.2004

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    TraumsequenzAber es wirde jetzt nicht Metamorphobia heißen oder?

    lol, ich hoffe die neue Platte wird mal wieder ein bisschen ‚härter‘ so wie in alten KUKL-tagen, hehe

    Eine Rückkehr in die Vergangenheit wird es bei Björk sicher nicht geben, aber die Mitwirkung von Corsano und Chippendale als Perkussionisten könnte durchaus darauf hindeuten, dass einige Tracks „härter“ werden als gewohnt. Über den Titel kann ich auch nichts definitives sagen („Totempole“ habe ich zuletzt irgendwo gelesen).


    To Hell with Poverty
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