Startseite › Foren › Das Radio-Forum › Roots. Mit Wolfgang Doebeling › 01.02.2015
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WerbungWolfgang DoebelingFeststellung oder Frage? Falls Letzteres: marginal, ja.
Als Frage, besten Dank.
Hier passt es wohl am besten. Schlechte Nachrichten von Lanie Lane:
Lanie LaneHello friends and family,
I need to let all of you know that I’ve made a big decision. I have decided that pursuing a full-time music career is no longer for me.
The uprooted-ness of the rock n roll lifestyle just isn’t beneficial for me anymore (on many levels). The ambition (which I believe is a pre-requisite to success in the music industry) of cultivating fame or attention has completely left me now as well. At times, I have found the constant pressure that a touring & recording artist requires to be accustomed to, unbearable. I utterly respect those who can withstand the pressures of a life constantly on the road, the rigours of the behind the scenes work and the expectations for continued ‘success’. I personally found myself not liking who I was becoming under stress and difficult circumstances. It felt like a lot of the time I was either depressed or anxious, so I’ve begun to change the circumstances of my life to be back in the flow again.
My love of creating, writing & playing music is definitely not in question here. These aspects are the true joy of music for me. I will always sing when the time is right, but never in a way that puts any strain on my mind/body/spirit or creative flow. I know that I am a MUCH happier and peaceful person when I live simply.
I’m very much looking forward to playing the shows which remain in the calendar and I hope to perform in the future the occasional festival or intimate house/garden concerts for you. I do not plan on any further heavy touring so I encourage you all to come to these last shows.
I thank from the bottom of my heart Winterman & Goldstein Management, Ivy League Records, The Harbour Agency, and Mushroom Group. You’re all incredibly hard working people and I salute your dedication to promoting Australian music!
I have deep deep gratitude for all of you out there who ever bought a record, a t-shirt or came to a show. It is because of your ongoing support that I’ve been able to do something that most musicians only dream of. Thank you so sooo much!!
Sehr schade.
God told me to do it.Oh, das ist eine böse Überraschung. Ich hatte mir eigentlich vorgenommen, ihre Platten zuzulegen. Da war es ja fast schon prophetisch, dass der DJ so viel gespielt hat…
If you talk bad about country music, it's like saying bad things about my momma. Them's fightin' words.Die Platten kannst Du ja immer noch kaufen.
Twang-Bang-Wah-Wah-Zoing! - Die nächste Guitars Galore Rundfunk Übertragung ist am Donnerstag, 19. September 2019 von 20-21 Uhr auf der Berliner UKW Frequenz 91,0 Mhz, im Berliner Kabel 92,6 Mhz oder als Livestream über mit neuen Schallplatten und Konzert Tipps! - Die nächste Guitars Galore Sendung auf radio ist am Dienstag, 17. September 2019 von 20 - 21 Uhr mit US Garage & Psychedelic Sounds der Sixties!
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Hat and beardHier passt es wohl am besten. Schlechte Nachrichten von Lanie Lane:
Sehr schade.
In der Tat eine auch für mich sehr traurige Nachricht. Hatte gehofft, dass sie noch eine Europa Tour macht. Schade.
Jammerschade, indeed. Lanie Lane steigt aus, Toto machen weiter. Betrüblich.
MikkoDie Platten kannst Du ja immer noch kaufen.
Klar, ich hatte mich falsch ausgedrückt. Ich meinte für den Fall, dass ich mehr (Platten von LL) will.
If you talk bad about country music, it's like saying bad things about my momma. Them's fightin' words.Zur Erinnerung: Die Sendung am heutigen Sonntag entfällt aufgrund der Berlinale-Berichterstattung von Radio Eins. „Roots“ gibt es demnach erst wieder am 15.Februar.
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