Startseite › Foren › Über Bands, Solokünstler und Genres › Von Abba bis ZZ Top › Giant Sand
Howe`s Kommentar zu AAAA und zu den Lyrics von Blue Marble Girl:
howe (oz is k’noath):
welp. i was done warned about including yet another in a now seemingly endless chain of blueish marbeld gurgles. but i figured on the toss being good for those who have never ever happened upon this perimeter prior, as opposed to always figuring on material for those who always liked to visit. and there is merit in the erosion of a song that instigates my attention span. to drag a song through the ages, allowing it to de-form in its own natural juices. not to mention the miriad of melodies that now occur through that last version that i found very intrigueing. especially that last chord right where the song changes into that line: „then it’s better to blame anyone…“ . what is that chord ? how did it get in there ? is there such a thing as chord remover ? i dunno yet. but anyway, i am a libra and i can only remain undecided for just so long. so there you go, and yeah, program your cd players to jump it. but someone at some point there in your proxemity will accidentally stumble upon that song for the first time, and it will be for them then. otherly, the next record is probably the best thing i will have ever done. it is simple stuff. it is the voiceings that carry it and seem to make the writing the best i have done. and when i think about it, i guess it was what i was after as far back as 1987. in fact, it was what i was looking for but didn’t know how to ever go about it that lead me instead to paula brown and then john convertino. and then when chris cacavas came aboard i happily dove into them waters instead of entertaining what i originally was thirsting for: to aquire a choir. that being confessed, i like the notion of AAAA a lot, and love to hear what you all have to say, especially those that find flaw in the muck-a- luck. as for the lyrics of BMG, it was only about them trailer parks and crystal meth the night i played it then and mentioned such. it is only really about 2 young folks in love and how they just survive this world with it, even when the love gets gone. good and gone. but still good. and so not to blame yourself so very much when it slips away seemingly because of their own actions, as opposed to the great relief of an undetermined destiny instead. the end. –good story, huh?
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WerbungNach einigen weiteren AAAA-Durchläufen bin ich nun schon mal so angetan, dass ich sie ingesamt höher als die „Map“ einschätze, weil sie einfach besser durchzuhören ist und homogener klingt. Sie wächst und gedeiht prächtig unter Aufsicht meiner strengen, aber (in der Regel) gerechten Ohren.
So einige Sachen hört man ja sowieso erst in ihrer ganzen Pracht, wenn sich die Ohren an die Dunkelheit gewöhnt haben. (so ähnlich heißt es doch…)--
I like to move it, move it Ya like to (move it)Hoooooray: Ein brandneues Giant Sand Konzert zum downloaden:
Band/Artist: Giant Sand
Date: September 2nd, [U][COLOR=#0000ff]2005
Venue: [U][COLOR=#0000ff]Club Congress Outdoor Stage
Location: [U][COLOR=#0000ff]Tucson, AZSource: SBD/AUD Matrix > MD > Mastering (Custom Analog & Digital 10/05) > WAV
Lineage: WAV > FLAC [7]
Taped by: Jim Blackwood & Ginger Doran
Transferred by: (and mastered by) Jim BlackwoodUploaded by: giantarchivist
1: Intro
2: Get To Leave
3: Steadfast
4: Lovin‘ Cup
5: Yer Ropes
6: Down On Town
7: Tumble and Tear
8: Loretta and The Insect World
9: Heartland
10: Code Of The Road
11: Wearing The Robes Of Bible Black
12: Classico
13: ShiverDie Setlist ist ein Traum!
Der Dank gilt vor allem Jim Blackwood und Howe Gelb, die diese Veröffentlichungen forcieren und ermöglichen.
“It's much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why? Because it is easier to give someone the finger than a helping hand.” — Mike RoykoAh, super! Danke für den Tipp!
I like to move it, move it Ya like to (move it)Wow! Mit John Con! Und auch noch eine Blacky-Einlage!
Howe Gelb – Guitar and Vocals
Anders Pedersen – Guitar
Thøger T. Lund – Bass
John Convertino – Drums:angel:Others sitting in…
Paula Jean Brown – Bass
6-7 = Wintson Watson – Drums
8 = Mike Semple – Guitar
8-13 = Chris Cacavas – Keys
9 = Ned Sutton – Vocals
9 = Bridget Keating – Violin--
I like to move it, move it Ya like to (move it)Klasse! Vielen Dank!
Sonic Juice6-7 = Winston Watson – Drums
Das freut mich ganz besonders. Hab ihn mal bei meinem ersten Greyhound Soul Konzert spielen sehen…wow.
“It's much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why? Because it is easier to give someone the finger than a helping hand.” — Mike RoykoKrautathausDas freut mich ganz besonders. Hab ihn mal bei meinem ersten Greyhound Soul Konzert spielen sehen…wow.
Und bei seinen Auftritten auf Hisser und Confluence hat er auch einen guten Job gemacht.
Habe ihn mal bei Chuck Prophet gesehen (Glitterhouse „Orange Blossom Special“ Festival), das konnte er aber dann auch nicht mehr retten. Brrr.
Aber nett war er. Und, irgenwann nach der Show, haben seine Greyhound Souls-Kumpanen (mit anderem Drummer) auf ihn gezeigt und erzählt: „Oh, Winston, yeah, he played with us, but now he plays with Dyan…. He´s REALLY big now! „--
I like to move it, move it Ya like to (move it)Morgen (24.11.05) um 21.05 überträgt der Deutschlandfunk das Giant Sand-Konzert vom 2.7 aus Rudolstadt.
I like to move it, move it Ya like to (move it)ok, Du warst schneller…
“It's much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why? Because it is easier to give someone the finger than a helping hand.” — Mike RoykoEs gibt immer wieder interessante Anlässe den Thread nach oben zu holen:
Howe Gelb’s ‚The Ballad of the Tucson 2‘ available now
El General
Tucson musician Howe Gelb has written and produced “The Ballad of the Tucson 2” to benefit two humanitarian aid workers on trial for providing medical assistance to migrants. Janet Beveridge Bean and Catherine Irvine of old-school country band [U][COLOR=#0000ff]Freakwater provide additional vocals on the track.
Photo by Michael HyattA numbered edition of 100 CDs are currently available around Tucson for a $10 minimum donation to help get charges dropped against Shanti Sellz and Daniel Strauss, the two volunteers for No More Deaths who were arrested.
For complete information on the incident, the trial and the campaign to drop the charges, see [U][COLOR=#0000ff]
Numbers 1 through 5 of “The Ballad of the Tucson 2” will be auctioned on eBay. The auctions for numbers 1-3 are under way:
[U][COLOR=#0000ff]Auction #1
[U][COLOR=#0000ff]Auction #2
[U][COLOR=#0000ff]Auction #3
The Ballad of the Tucson 2
[written by Howe Gelb – Scatter Land My Little
Darlin BMI, 2005]
Howe Gelb (vocals, guitars, piano)
Catherine Irvine and Janet Beveridge Bean (vocals)
Peter Dombernowsky (drums)
Talula and Luka Gelb (vocals)
Recorded by Jim Blackwood and Duncan Hudson at KXCI Studio 2a
Mixed by Howe Gelb and Duncan Hudson
Mastered by Jim Blackwood at KUAT
Artists appear courtesy of Thrill Jockey Records
Bonus track: “Underground Train” by The Band of Blacky Ranchette (1986).
CDs available now at:— [U][COLOR=#0000ff]Antigone Books
— [U][COLOR=#0000ff]Bohemia
— [U][COLOR=#0000ff]CD City
— [U][COLOR=#0000ff]Chicago Music Store
— [U][COLOR=#0000ff]Congress Hotel
— [U][COLOR=#0000ff]Rainbow Guitars
— [U][COLOR=#0000ff]Rainbow Planet Cafe
— [U][COLOR=#0000ff]Sticks and StringsFrom Howe Gelb:
[INDENT]The characters in these songs are folk heroes. They are real people saving real lives.
[INDENT]Current times often dictate right and wrong based upon political spin and its application upon the public.
[INDENT]But I am not a political songwriter, only a dabbler in sensible pause. In the future, these song characters may represent the best of us, not only as a country, but even more so as a species.
[INDENT]At the moment, these two young 23 year old volunteers are going up for trial (January 5th 2006) because their presence in the desert actually saved the lives of several migrant workers (a father and son included) that had lost their way here in the sweltering summer heat.
[INDENT]They were out there to alter the death rate under a punishing sun and the desperation that permeates.
[INDENT]They were arrested taking these Mexican nationals for medical attention up to Tucson.
[INDENT]That is the crux.
[INDENT]The fate of these two young heroes is of severe consequence to the future we wish to live in.--
“It's much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why? Because it is easier to give someone the finger than a helping hand.” — Mike RoykoGroße Ereignisse werfen ihre Schatten voraus:
“It's much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why? Because it is easier to give someone the finger than a helping hand.” — Mike RoykoHowe Goes Gospel… klingt interessant!
Ich bin schon soooooo aufgeregt!:dance:
“It's much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why? Because it is easier to give someone the finger than a helping hand.” — Mike RoykoDas Cover ist schön
Schlagwörter: Giant Sand, Howe Gelb, Rolling Stones Special in progress, Tucson
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