Re: The Divine Comedy

#914299  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 27.03.2003

Beiträge: 6,709

Neil Hannon hat die Rechte für seine bis 99 erschienenen Alben gekauft und will sie 2006 auf seinem eigenen Label Divine Comedy Rec. neu und mit allem Schnickschnack herausbringen.


Of late, many of you have been asking about the availability of the first two Divine Comedy albums ‚Liberation‘ and ‚Promenade‘. It seems that this is one secret we can no longer keep under wraps. Recently, Neil acquired all of the worldwide copyrights to his recordings that had previously been released through Setanta Records. This basically includes everything from day one at Setanta back in 1990 through to the final singles released from ‚A Secret History‘ in 1999.

There was some existing stock that we inherited from Setanta and that can still be found in some shops and in our webshop. However, certain things have now run out – the most prominent being ‚Liberation‘, ‚Promenade‘, and ‚A Short Album About Love‘. Neil has great plans for a hands-on reissuing of his extensive back catalogue and we’ve been working on it for some time already. In the meantime, some of the back catalogue will sadly remain out of stock. What you see in our webshop really is the last of it – especially when it comes to the singles.

Reissuing the back catalogue will be a lengthy and involved process. Much of the original artwork has been lost, and master tapes are still being recovered. We will complete the process, and when we do you can expect to see photos you’ve never seen and hear tracks you’ve never heard. Now before you ask, ‚Fanfare‘ will not be reissued – you all know how Neil feels about this. Please be patient with us as this is a massive task. Also remember Neil is working on a variety of projects, including a new Divine Comedy record for Parlophone. Look for the reissues to start appearing in 2006. Keep watching this Newspage and in the meantime for updates.


Wake up! It`s t-shirt weather.