Re: Neuigkeiten im US-Fernsehen

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#5134909  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

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ok, ich weiß, solche online-petitionen bringen meistens nicht viel (arrested development…), aber wenn es auch nur den kleinsten funken hoffnung für ein weiterleben einer wunderbaren show gibt, sollte man doch alles in seiner macht stehende versuchen. also, würde mich freuen, wenn ein paar diese petition unterschreiben.

save lucky louie

die serie hätte es wirklich verdient, nicht nach der ersten staffel abgesetzt zu werden. hier eine mitteilung von louis ck:

Louis CKAs most of you know, my show „Lucky Louie“ has been cancelled by HBO. My initial message to fans of the show was that we are „Cancelled but not dead“. I would like to revise that and re-issue the statement under the heading „Cancelled and certainly dead. Please help.“

Last week, my plan was to try to bring HBO to another network. We had one meeting with an interested party, during which I quickly realized what a huge mistake that would be. HBO is the only place where Lucky Louie can really exist. Any other place would want a different show. So I’m asking you to help pursuade them to put it back on the air. If you want Lucky Louie to come back, please contact HBO and let them know it.

I know most of you have jobs and don’t have time for this kind of horse shit. Others of you might not even like Lucky Louie. And listen, the show wasn’t perfect. It’s an experiment and it needed more time to become as good as it could be. But I don’t think I’m sucking my very own penis when I say that Lucky Louie was very funny and showed some serious potential to get even better. We made a connection with people all over the country.

Some of the reports in the press have said that Lucky Louie had bad ratings and bad reviews. Neither is actually true. Here is our page at metacritic…

if you actually read the reviews, they were a lot better than that site rated them as being. Especially the New York Times, the LA times and Tom Shales. All really good and thoughtful reviews from highly respected people. Sure, some people hated it. But aren’t those people, afterall, wrong? Who cares what „Wrong“ people think?

As far as the ratings, we actually did very well, especially considering that HBO did not promote the show hardly at all. I am not complaining about that by any means. I was happy that they let it grow on it’s own, because we got to show that our audience was growing based on the show’s merits. The fact is that our ratings increased steadily for several weeks in a row and our cumulitive ratings (tallying up all the times each episode aired during the week) were even higher than deadwood. We certainly did better than most HBO series have in their first year and when „The Wire“ went on the air this season, with much critical acclaim and an already existing core audience, they got about the same ammount of viewers as us.

So people were watching Lucky Louie. More people every week.

Why did they pull the plug? I don’t know. I really don’t.
Our show is very different from what they’re used to. It’s a populist show, not a museam piece. Just the way the show looks is a huge departure from what they’ve succeeded with in the past. But it was working. So I don’t know.

Up until the very end, I got very generous and kind support from everyone there. That’s one reason I want to go back. I’ve never worked with any people that were so focused on the quality of a show. They let Lucky Louie be what it was. I’m extremely grateful to have gotten the opportunity that i did, to have the show on for twelve episodes. amazing. I am hesitant to ask for more on my own behalf. But everywhere I go people tell me how much they love the show. Couples come up to me on the street in every City in America (i’m on tour right now) to tell me that they watch Lucky Louie together and that it’s the only thing they both laugh at.

If you go on Youtube and search our show, you’ll find there are about 60 clips of Lucky Louie on there, posted by random fans, and they’ve all been watched tens of thousands of times. If you go on Youtube and search under „Men Behaving Badly“ there are zero clips.

Our show was funny, compelling, original and worth having on television.

So what can you do?

well, someone, I don’t know who, created a myspace page here…

There is also an online petition here…

you can also go to the Lucky Louie message board here…

or just call HBO or write them and voice your opinion.

You know, I kind of hesitated to say all this because I guess I didn’t want to come off desperate. But I don’t care. I love the show and everyone who worked on it. I don’t want any other job in television.

I feel Lucky Louie has a huge ammount of support out there. All week I’ve been having to break the bad news to people that it’s gone and they are so bummed, it breaks my heart. The guy at airpot security at LAX, the guy in front of some hotel in Cleveland, three people tonight in Austin Texas. Everywhere I go people love the show and they want it back. People I don’t even know started this petition and all this other stuff. So fuck it. I’m here and I’m asking. Help save Lucky Louie if you feel like it.

thanks for your time.

