Re: Madonna

#398331  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 15.05.2005

Beiträge: 87,222

Die neue Single „Rebel Heart“ ist übrigens gut. Kann man leider noch nicht verlinken, auf YT gibt es dazu nur falsche Fährten.


Well there was always a chance the new Madonna stuff would be really good and it’s starting to look like she might have pulled it off. We know this sort of talk is deeply irresponsible but if you give this just-leaked snippet of ‘Rebel Heart’ a bit of a listen…

…is it too much of a stretch to say you can hear a nod to ‘Call The Shots’ and a nod to ‘With Every Heartbeat’ and a nod to Madonna’s best (or second-best depending on your mood) album, ‘American Life’, ie three of the best pop things of the last twenty years?

Let’s explain using science:

This single could be really good, right?
