Startseite › Foren › Die Tonträger: Aktuell und Antiquariat › Downloads ’n‘ Streams › New Noises – MP3 Fund des Tages › Re: New Noises – MP3 Fund des Tages
Mit dem Talent eines Doherty, den rasierklingenscharfen Melodien eines Syd Barrett und den fantastischen Texten eines Bowies, so lupenrein präsentiert sich, der unter den Synonym bekannte, Singer-Songwriter Lupen Crook. Bitte hinhören. Danke.
Exactly ? the planet / Lupen Crook
Lupen Crook“A rubbish song if I’m honest though this first and only performance has something ’nice‘ about the pathetic desperation of the writer that wrote it, I’d layered it with out of tune vocals and guitar noodles to try and make it a bit better, it doesn’t really work but then you never know if don’t try.“
Urban Fox Hunting / Lupen Crook
Lupen Crook“Recorded live and slightly drunk in my pigeon infested attic room, keyboards put on afterwards, I really like the discordant keys and bad sound. It’s about wanting to be involved when your alone and wanting to be alone when your involved. Such is life.“
[indent] Life is Art. Art is Life. But have you met my wife? (Robert Forster) [/indent][/color]