Re: Paul Weller

#252745  | PERMALINK

Keine Lust, mir etwas auszudenken

Registriert seit: 27.07.2004

Beiträge: 24,190


für Leute mit DSL vielleicht interessant:


The radio session that Weller did while in NYC for the Tower show was rebroadcast and has been archived at:

Go to the archives section and type in Paul Weller. Click on the first show, Oct. 15,2004. Weller comes on about 1hr 30mins or so in. Unfortunately, you can't fast forward to it. He not only does the live set, but a full guest DJ segment where he plays his favs and talks with the host for another 45mins. that they pre-recorded. GREAT STUFF!!! Check it out if you can.


So, und jetzt werde ich mich bald auf den Weg nach Heidelberg machen. :D

Martin Beck


"I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered." - George Best --- Dienstags und donnerstags, ab 20 Uhr, samstags ab 20.30 Uhr: Radio StoneFM