Antwort auf: ebay-pseudonyme

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#2172471  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

Beiträge: 0

Hier die letzte Antwort des Verkäufers, die an Arroganz und Dummheit kaum zu überbieten sein dürfte:

The difference here martin is i am a collector of sealed vinyl and i appreciate a record thats 15 years old and still sealed, i REFUSE to open a sealed vinyl of this age. To be honest i would love my records going to serious collectors not collectors who get a 15 year old sealed vinyl and just simply open it(very disheartning) thats why its your progative to open it NOT MINE!!!!!.

Leave negative feedback i shall respond by saying buyer wanted me to open a 15 year old record and i refused im sure the serious customers of mine will laugh and not hold it against me, i do apologies however on the seal breaking in transit. But like i said it was 100% perfect when it was packed and can’t believe your holding that against me when obviously happened in transit.

Ja, ich gestehe: Ich kaufe zum Teil 40 Jahre alte Platten, die noch still sealed sind und öffne sie dann, um sie zu hören. Wie pervers!!!
