Re: AC/DC: Versionen – Raritäten – History (Inhaltsverzeichnis in Post #1)

Startseite Foren Über Bands, Solokünstler und Genres Von Abba bis ZZ Top AC/DC: Versionen – Raritäten – History (Inhaltsverzeichnis in Post #1) Re: AC/DC: Versionen – Raritäten – History (Inhaltsverzeichnis in Post #1)

#1973791  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 22.06.2007

Beiträge: 244

ich bin seitdem bezaubert und will mehr…mehr info vor allem, da ich so 30 jahre „nachholen“ muss (hätte ich gerne *grins*)

Willkommen im Klub der AC/DC-Verrückten !!! :party:

Versuchs mal auch hier: ist zwar zum größten Teil Polemik, aber oft genug sehr lustige Polemik – die Kommentare sind wirklich lesenswert :-)

Mark Prindle ist ein amerikanischer Musikjournalist, der wirklich Ahnung hat und in diesem Thread viele Insider-Informationen weiter gibt. Ausserdem werden die Bootlegs und Sondereditionen rezensiert ;-)

Oder, in Mark’s Worten:

For the first five years of their career, the Australian/Scottish „blues rock“ combo AC/DC had the PERFECT guitar tone. Two of ‚em, one in each speaker – they were heavily distorted, raw as a blister, and completely „in your face,“ in a manner of speaking. Mean. Alive. Real. I cannot think of a more kickass guitar sound. Truly. Thank producers Vanda/Young if you like, although their only other claim to fame is „Friday On My Mind“ which, although one of my favorite pop ditties of all time (And I DO mean „ditty“ – as in „ditty ditty ditty ditty ditty ditty ditty ditty ditty ditty Monday morning feels so bad ditty ditty…. maybe you’ve never heard the song.), kicks nowhere near as hard as this stuff. Here, two loud-as-frig guitars play the exact same guitar lines until one takes off into a hyper, naive (though by no means unlistenable like, say, early Slayer or any Black Flag) wankfest, while the rhythm section confidently does exactly what a hard rock rhythm section is supposed to do: play one-note bass lines and 4/4 drumbeats. Terrific formula. Then they had a poppy sound for one album before becoming an unstoppable blues metal machine!!!!!!!!! Then they sort of lost their power as a result of poor mixing and poor Brian Johnson throwing his voice out, but the great riffs kept a-comin‘! Until Ballbreaker, of course. Man, that album’s not too hot. But then they came back with a winner! It just goes to show – you never know with rock ’n‘ roll. Regardless, they’ve got a HELL of a terrific back catalogue. Not just the riffs, but the SOUND. Plus they sing about boners all the time.

Und denk dran dir die australischen Editionen von „High voltage“, „Dirty deeds“ und „TNT“ zu holen! Hier bekommst du sie zu vernünftigen Preisen:


Das Leben! Erzähl mir nichts vom Leben! Marvin aus "per Anhalter durch die Galaxis"