Re: Silver Jews

#1394179  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 27.08.2002

Beiträge: 2,587

so sieht sie aus:

Secret Knowledge of Back RoadsI Love the RightsJackson Nightz
The War in Apartment 1812West SYou Can’t Trust It To Remain
The Wild PalmsWelcome to the House of the Bats
Bar Scene from Star Wars

so klingt sie:

So what do the Silver Jews sound like? An analogy: if Pavement spent the night sitting around drinking 40-ouncers and listening to VU albums, then decided to go jam and record it on a boom box with a normal-bias tape from Radio Shack that someone had lying around, hitting pause between songs, then took that tape to have it mastered for CD, it would probably sound a lot like The Arizona Record. If this sounds like a good thing to you, I guess it is. Truth be told, I like this a lot and think the songs are amazing. Truth be told, it is far and away the worst recording I have ever heard. Ever. And of course it’s on CD, winning the Biggest Waste of Digital Audio

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schwer zu finden/vergriffen. habe mal in den google-groups gesucht; ist schon für einige thema gewesen. wer sich nicht scheut irgendwelchen amis einfach mit einer email ins haus zu fallen dem könnte geholfen werden…..


"Können Sie Klavier spielen?" "Weiß nicht, mal versuchen."