Antwort auf: FONTAINES DC

#12291705  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 18.01.2003

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This is a topic that arises when I’m sat at the pub chatting with English Teacher, who cite Grian Chatten and his bandmates as one of their primary influences. As we discuss what it might be that makes their sound so addictive, so memorable, and so envy-inducing to a fellow musician, we can only pinpoint sincere, classic songwriting. It might sound vague, but it’s true.

Chatten dives into politics and his love for Ireland, somehow turning sprawling sentences into melodies catchier than you’ll find on Radio One. It’s an impossible feat for anyone but him.

There’s a real focus on rhyme and pacing that makes their music impossibly catchy.

What is the secret to Fontaines D.C.’s addictive sound? | Elle Palmer | Sat 20 April 2024 8:00, UK

Mir war der Reiz bisher weitestgehend verborgen geblieben. Aber ich glaube ich komme eher diesem auf die Spur als dem der Amerikanerin mit den vielen Häusern und dem Privatflugzeug.


Dirty, dirty feet from the concert in the grass / I wanted to believe that freedom there could last (Willy Mason)