Antwort auf: FONTAINES DC

#12291167  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 18.01.2003

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gipettoEin sehr spannender Artikel, der gestern im englischen Guardian veröffentlicht wurde: Fontaines DC: „We can generate ideas that sound like they’ve been carved in stone for a thousand years“

Auch verständlich:

Ultimately, the only way to be a successful young rock band today is to genuinely rival the greats – and Fontaines do. That’s partly because all their songs feel like undiscovered classics, to the extent that I wonder how often O’Connell worries they actually are forgotten favourites as he writes. “All the time!” he replies breezily, face haloed by prongs of faded pink hair. “Sometimes you’re like: fuck, that’s that other Beatles song.” Especially strong melodies stop him in his tracks. “But if you can’t place it then you just hope it’s not a rip-off,” he says, very much the nonchalant foil to Chatten’s brow-furrowed overthinker.


Dirty, dirty feet from the concert in the grass / I wanted to believe that freedom there could last (Willy Mason)