Antwort auf: The Byrds

#11839981  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 10.09.2003

Beiträge: 21,877


Mr. Tambourine Man * * * *
Turn! Turn! Turn! * * * 1/2
Fifth Dimension * * * 1/2
Younger Than Yesterday * * * * 1/2
The Notorious Byrd Brothers * * * * 1/2
Sweetheart Of The Rodeo * * * *
Dr. Byrds & Mr. Hyde * * *
Ballad Of Easy Rider * * * 1/2
(Untitled) * * *
Byrdmaniax * * 1/2
Farther Along * * 1/2
Byrds * * *


Hey man, why don't we make a tune... just playin' the melody, not play the solos...