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M-base started as a black musician’s referral service in Brooklyn called M.R.A.: Moving Right Along. This was supposed to be a network where we could play to our strengths and help each other out. Some people were arrangers, some people were multi- instrumentalist’s. I went to a few meetings because I thought it was a great idea. And then there was one meeting I missed, and it was a guy that came there to demonstrate Dr. T’s sequencers on the Commodore 64. I missed that meeting. But Smitty later told me that when that guy came, it just blew up. M.R.A. turned into a computer group, where everybody was working with the technology of the day the Commodore and Dr. T’s sequencers.
tolles interview von iverson mit anthony cox, der sehr schön seinen weg durch diverse szenen, ansätze & erfahrungen seit den 80ern nachzeichnet.