Antwort auf: Morrissey – California Son

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#10822151  | PERMALINK | Zitieren

Keine Lust, mir etwas auszudenken

Registriert seit: 27.07.2004

Beiträge: 24,189

For Britain believes:
– That Islamic culture is incompatible with British and Western culture
– That mass immigration from Islamic societies has made Britain less safe and less free
– That Islamic culture is violent and oppressive and this violence and oppression stems from the religion itself
– That free speech is the cornerstone of democracy and must be defended
– That our right to criticise religion has been severely compromised as a result of Muslim immigration
– That the safety, rights, and freedoms of women and girls have been sacrificed to placate and facilitate Islam
– That everyone who lives in Britain should be subject to a single law, equally applied and with no exceptions; this applies to all areas of life including marriage and family law matters

Welche dieser Punkte qualifiziert als Nazi-Partei? Nr. 4, 5 und 7 würde ich uneingeschränkt unterschreiben.


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