Antwort auf: Morrissey – California Son

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#10822025  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 16.10.2006

Beiträge: 45,074

firecrackerKann es sein, dass manche hier For Britain mit Britain First verwechseln? (Nicht dass ich die britische Staatsbürgerschaft beantragen würde, um For Britain wählen zu können.) Falls nein, an was genau stört ihr euch? (Auch wenn das wahrscheinlich etwas über den Rahmen eines Musikforums hinausgeht. Und über die Intention von Morrissey, dass er in Kauf nimmt, eine tendenziell eher rechts gerichtete Partei zu wählen, aufgrund eines Punktes, der ihm besonders am Herzen liegt. Wäre die Partei, die diesen Punkt im Wahlprogramm hat, kommunistisch ausgerichtet, hätte sie wohl auch seine Stimme bekommen; was die Diskussion natürlich nicht einfacher macht.) Aber bevor weiter pauschalisiert, wiedergekäut und gemutmaßt wird, kann man ja mal über Fakten sprechen.

Das sagt ausgerechnet diejenige Person, die sich mit fast unmenschlicher Gewalt gegen Fakten wehrt.

Aus dem offiziellen Wahlprogramm von For Britain, aus diesem Dokument:

For Britain believes:
– That Islamic culture is incompatible with British and Western culture
– That mass immigration from Islamic societies has made Britain less safe and less free
– That Islamic culture is violent and oppressive and this violence and oppression stems from the religion itself
– That free speech is the cornerstone of democracy and must be defended
– That our right to criticise religion has been severely compromised as a result of Muslim immigration
– That the safety, rights, and freedoms of women and girls have been sacrificed to placate and facilitate Islam
– That everyone who lives in Britain should be subject to a single law, equally applied and with no exceptions; this applies to all areas of life including marriage and family law matters

For Britain will:
– Criminalise the use of sharia tribunals and alter arbitration and charity laws to outlaw these
– Ensure that Islamic marriages are registered with the state similar to those of other religions
– Ban the burqa as a security threat
– Ban madrassas and inspect and regulate Islamic schools
– Investigate mosques and close those found guilty of inciting violence (non-British imams will be deported)
– Close all mosques found to be engaging in child marriage
– Deport non-British members of ‘grooming gangs’ and apply heavy penalties of at least 20 years imprisonment for others
– Disallow people in polygamous or child marriages from living in the United Kingdom
– Ban halal and home slaughter of animals; those found to be ‘sacrificing’ animals at home during religious festivals should be arrested and non-British citizens deported
– Support ex-Muslims and ensure that people are free to leave Islam without penalty; those who threaten ex-Muslims (apostates) should be prosecuted and deported if appropriate
– Change laws on FGM to remove the evidential burden from children (i.e. children should not have to testify, their mutilated genitals provides the required proof), and ensure that those convicted are severely punished with long-term imprisonment
and/or deportation
– Prosecute and/or deport those found guilty of threatening violence against critics of Islam
– Ensure that police and government facilitate freedom of speech and the right to criticise Islam
– Hold a public inquiry in to Islamic doctrine – including the Koran and hadiths – and the fundamentals of sharia law, and fully inform the British public as to its values

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