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#10813141  | PERMALINK

Gang of One

Registriert seit: 03.11.2004

Beiträge: 5,644

The Soft Cavalry – „Bulletproof“

Heute ausnahmsweise ein Lyric-Video ohne Schauwerte. Hinter The Soft Cavalry stecken Rachel Goswell von Slowdive und ihr Ehemann; und „Bulletproof“, offenbar ein Song über Verwundbarkeit, fließt schön und leicht dahin in einem Sound, den ich überaus angenehm finde (gefällt mir deutlich besser als der erste Vorab-Track „Dive“). Über das Video schreibt Rachel Goswell:

For a long time now I have wanted to do a video that incorporates BSL (British Sign Language) due to my son being Profoundly Deaf with no hearing. He also has additional needs with CHARGE Syndrome that brings many added complications. I live within two worlds both Hearing and Deaf and have learned a lot in the last nine years about the many barriers Deaf people can face in our society. One of the main points I was taught very quickly is how music is accessible to Deaf people. Of course, music can be felt through vibration but visually I feel so much more could be done to enhance the experience.

We made this video with the support of Sign Up BSL to translate ‘Bulletproof’ so that the song flows properly in BSL.


To Hell with Poverty