Arthur Buck – s/t (15.06.2018)

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  • #10467497  | PERMALINK

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    Arthur Buck – s/t (15.06.2018)
    New West Records

    Side A –
    1. I Am The Moment
    2. Are You Electrified?
    3. The Wanderer
    4. Forever Waiting
    5. If You Wake Up In Time
    6. Summertime
    Side B –
    1. American Century
    2. Forever Falling
    3. Before Your Love Is Gone
    4. Wide Awake In November
    5. Can’t Make It Without You

    Sometimes the catalyst for creating great art is simply being in the right place at the right time. For Arthur Buck, the new collaboration between singer-songwriter Joseph Arthur and guitarist Peter Buck, that place was Mexico, and that time was the fall of 2017. Specifically, a little town off the Baja coast named Todos Santos, with the Sierra de la Laguna mountains to the east and the bright blue Pacific stretching out infinitely to the west. It is here that Buck has held the Todos Santos Music Festival for the last several years, which he created in 2012 with his wife, Chloe Johnson, shortly after R.E.M. called it a day. Among the many artists who have played the festival is Joseph Arthur, who also happened to leave behind a guitar—a Dobro, specifically—after his last appearance there. And so last year he made the trek down to Todos Santos to pick up the instrument. Which is where he ran into Peter Buck.

    That was the beginning of Arthur Buck. The creative result of this relationship is a vibrant 11-song collection that captures the spontaneity at the heart of the project—right down to the 1-2-3-4 count off from Buck that opens the record—with sounds and styles meshed together in an easy, almost playful manner. Tchad Blake was brought in to mix the proceedings, and the product is the new Arthur Buck—the outcome of a shockingly productive burst of inspiration.


    Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better. Samuel Beckett - 'Cos music is for listening and not to stored away in a bloody cupboard.
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    #10674017  | PERMALINK


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    pheebeeArthur Buck – s/t (15.06.2018) Tchad Blake was brought in to mix the proceedings, and the product is the new Arthur Buck—the outcome of a shockingly productive burst of inspiration.

    ganz kurz:  eine Enttäuschung unter meinen 2018ern…

    Peter Buck’s viele Projekte hatte ich nicht verfolgt… bin nur mal bei „Tired Pony“ über ihn gestolpert und Joseph Arthur ist mir nur durch „Fistful of Mercy“ ein Begriff…. und weil ich „As I call you down“ wirklich toll finde (ein All Time Favourite für mich), machte sich nach Hören der „Arthur Buck“ Enttäuschung breit… hatte diese noch 2-3x eingelegt, aber irgendwie sprang kein Funke über…

    Die Songs sind einzeln betrachtet gar nicht so schlecht, zünden aber nicht, kleben aneinander, können nicht atmen, die Drumloops nerven… hätten sich die beiden doch nur einen Session Drummer, evtl. noch einige Studiomusiker geholt… die Liste der Beteiligten im Booklet ist ja auch schnell gelesen…


    #10678289  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 28.07.2006

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    Ich war von der Platte auch nicht so angetan. Aber das trifft generell auf praktisch den gesamten Solo-Output von Herrn Buck zu. Das war mit seiner früheren Hauptband ein ganz anderes Kaliber.


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