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#10418651  | PERMALINK

Gang of One

Registriert seit: 03.11.2004

Beiträge: 5,625

Tracey Thorn – „Sister“ feat. Corinne Bailey Rae (Video by Tracey Thorn)

Starker Track. Das Video ist schlicht, aber dem Song angemessen. Dave Simpson schreibt in seiner Besprechung im Guardian:

“I fight like a girl,” she purrs on the slinky, clubby Sister, turning an insult into a show of strength and railing against misogyny over a musically sophisticated backdrop. The song – which features Warpaint and Corinne Bailey Rae – is part protest, part anthem of feminine solidarity, but few lyrics capture the #MeToo/post-Weinstein era as succinctly as: “What year is it? The same old shit.”


To Hell with Poverty