Eure Lieblingszeilen

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  • #2557737  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 23.07.2002

    Beiträge: 5,402

    You and me we’re at the goldfish pond
    and I, I was tagging along for the ride
    all the big mouthed fish really made us laugh
    and while I stood still I felt a chill
    I thought that maybe you did too
    I wanted to feel that way forever
    And that’s why
    If you’re looking at me I’ll try to be what you want to see
    and if I’m, if I’m, ever that lucky
    You won’t have to be so, You won’t have to be so sad
    You won’t have to be so sad.

    Yo la tengo – Don’t have to be so sad


    [indent] Life is Art. Art is Life. But have you met my wife? (Robert Forster) [/indent][/color]
    Highlights von
    #2557739  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

    Beiträge: 0

    „i wish i could paint your name in pink all over town“

    razorcuts – big pink cake


    #2557741  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 18.10.2003

    Beiträge: 6,513

    and you can tell
    from the state of my room
    that they let me out too soon
    and the pills that i ate
    came a couple weeks too late

    dresden dolls – girl anachronism


    #2557743  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 18.07.2005

    Beiträge: 156

    The devil will find work for idle hands to do
    I stole and I lied, and why? because you asked me to
    but now you make me feel so ashamed
    because I’ve only got two hands
    well, I’m still fond of you

    The Smiths – „What Difference Does It Make?“


    #2557745  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 14.09.2004

    Beiträge: 61,722

    This Time

    This time
    I won’t show I’m vulnerable
    This time
    I won’t give in first
    This time
    I will hold out with my love
    This time
    I will not be hurt

    I’m gonna love myself
    More than anyone else
    I’m gonna treat me right
    I’m gonna make you say
    That you love me first
    And you’ll be the one with the most to lose tonight
    This time

    This time
    I won’t let my emotions rule my life
    This time
    I’m gonna keep my heart locked safe inside
    This time
    I’m gonna be my own best friend
    This time
    I’m gonna be the one

    To win
    Your love
    Your affection
    To hide
    My fear
    Of rejection
    This time

    Und nochwas von Lady Chapman:


    There’re no words to say
    No words to convey
    This feeling inside I have for you

    Deep in my heart
    Save from the guards
    Of intellect and reason
    Leaving me at a loss
    For words to express my feelings

    Deep in my heart
    Look at me losing control
    Thinking I had a hold
    But with feelings this strong
    I’m no longer the master
    Of my emotions

    Hab heut mal wieder was von ihr gehört. Grossartig, die Frau.


    #2557747  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 06.03.2005

    Beiträge: 38,596

    Crosby / Nash: Lay me down

    driving out through the windmills
    and some of them were still
    sometimes it’s hard to catch the wind
    and bend it to your will

    even though it’s hard to know
    just how the story ends
    the road is long and takes its time
    on that you can depend



    Radio StoneFM | "Solos come and go. Riffs last forever." (Keith Richards) | The fact that there's a highway to hell but only a stairway to heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic numbers.
    #2557749  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 29.04.2003

    Beiträge: 2,976

    Das Gegenteil von gut ist gut gemeint

    Kettcar – Im Taxi weinen


    #2557751  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 23.07.2002

    Beiträge: 5,402

    I want to be the boy
    The man
    Who writes the song
    That makes Israel and Palestine
    Get along

    Formed a band – Art Brut


    [indent] Life is Art. Art is Life. But have you met my wife? (Robert Forster) [/indent][/color]
    #2557753  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 14.09.2004

    Beiträge: 61,722

    I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey.
    Ooh, the more I get of you
    Stranger it feels, yeah
    Now that your rose is in bloom,
    A light hits the gloom on the grey.
    Yes I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey
    Ooh, the more I get of you
    Stranger it feels, yeah
    And now that your rose is in bloom
    A light hits the gloom on the grey
    Now that your rose is in bloom,
    A light hits the gloom on the grey.


    #2557755  | PERMALINK

    Feeling all right in the noise and the light

    Registriert seit: 10.07.2002

    Beiträge: 10,358

    „Die Firma“ – Böhse Onkelz

    Ein Spiel mit Worten,
    am Rande der Zensur
    Nach Art des Hauses:
    In Reimkultur

    Wir sind die Faust in deinem Nacken, die Wut in deinem Bauch
    Wir geben dir das, was du längst verloren glaubst.
    ‚Tu was du willst‘ heißt das Gesetz
    Bleib ganz ruhig, und niemand wird verletzt

    Komm mit uns, und sei gewiss,
    Dass wir wissen, was wirklich böse ist!

    Die härteste Firma in der Stadt
    hat euch etwas mitgebracht
    Ein dämonisches Gebet,
    für die, die keiner zähmt
    Um unsre Köpfe kreist kein
    500 Watt Heiligenschein
    Weiße Teufel, Schwarze Seelen
    mit grammatikalischen Juwelen
    Halten wir fest:
    Wir sind besser, besser als der Rest!

    Wir können es nicht lassen
    hier sind 12 Gründe mehr, uns abgrundtief zu hassen
    Fest entschlossen, wollt ihr das testen?
    Vergesst es, wir sind die Besten!


    Wayne's World, Wayne's World, party time, excellent!
    #2557757  | PERMALINK

    Feeling all right in the noise and the light

    Registriert seit: 10.07.2002

    Beiträge: 10,358

    Ich liebe die Böhsen Onkelz! Meine vier Jungs aus Frankfurt.


    Wayne's World, Wayne's World, party time, excellent!
    #2557759  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

    Beiträge: 0

    Our Mutual Friend -Divine Comedy

    No matter how I try I just can’t get her out of my mind
    And when I sleep I visualise her.
    I saw her in the pub. I met her later at the night-club.
    A mutual friend introduced us.
    We talked about the noise
    And how it’s hard to hear your own voice
    Above the beat and the sub-bass.
    We talked and talked for hours, we talked in the back of our friend’s car
    As we all went back to his place.

    On our friend’s settee She told me that she really liked me
    And I said „cool, the feeling’s mutual”.
    We played old 45’s. I said „it’s like the soundtrack to our lives”
    And she said „true, it’s not unusual”.
    Then privately we danced
    But couldn’t seem to keep our balance,
    A drunken haze had come upon us.
    We sank down to the floor and we sang
    A song that I can’t sing any more,
    And then we kissed and fell unconscious.

    I woke up the next day all alone but for a headache.
    I stumbled out to find the bathroom.
    But all I found was her wrapped around another lover.
    No longer then is he our mutual friend.


    #2557761  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 10.03.2005

    Beiträge: 878

    Cure – Untitled

    Hopelessly drift
    In the eyes of the ghost again
    Down on my knees
    And my hands in the air again
    Pushing my face in the memory of you again
    But I never know if it’s real
    Never know how I wanted to feel
    Never quite said what I wanted to say to you
    Never quite managed the words to explain to you
    Never quite knew how to make them believable
    And now the time has gone
    Another time undone
    Hopelessly fighting the devil futility
    Feeling the moster
    Climb deeper inside of me
    Feeling him gnawing my heart away hungrily
    I’ll never lose this pain
    Never dream of you again


    It's all wrong, it's all right
    #2557763  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 22.03.2005

    Beiträge: 1,678

    ma ne blöde frage zwischendurch: ging es hier am anfang nicht darum, lieblingszeilen zu posten? inzwischen sind´s ja in der regel eher komplette lyrics. :confused:


    ich verhandle nicht mit psychopathen[/b]
    #2557765  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 29.04.2003

    Beiträge: 2,976

    sidoma ne blöde frage zwischendurch: ging es hier am anfang nicht darum, lieblingszeilen zu posten? inzwischen sind´s ja in der regel eher komplette lyrics. :confused:

    Ging mal darum. Lyrics zu posten ist auch okay denk ich. Mir geht’s nur so, dass ich die ganzen Lyrics hier seltener durchlese, vor allem wenn ich den Song dazu gar nicht kenne.

    Bei einzelnen Zeilen ist die Information darüber, was einem besonders gefallen hat irgendwie komprimierter und eventuell schneller verständlich.


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