Re: Eure Lieblingszeilen

#2557737  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 23.07.2002

Beiträge: 5,402

You and me we’re at the goldfish pond
and I, I was tagging along for the ride
all the big mouthed fish really made us laugh
and while I stood still I felt a chill
I thought that maybe you did too
I wanted to feel that way forever
And that’s why
If you’re looking at me I’ll try to be what you want to see
and if I’m, if I’m, ever that lucky
You won’t have to be so, You won’t have to be so sad
You won’t have to be so sad.

Yo la tengo – Don’t have to be so sad


[indent] Life is Art. Art is Life. But have you met my wife? (Robert Forster) [/indent][/color]