neuer eels song für shrek 3:
„Hear the new „Royal Pain“ by EELS in „Shrek The Third,“ opening in U.S. theaters May 18th. „Royal Pain“ and EELS‘ „Losing Streak“ will both be on the Shrek The Third soundtrack album CD, coming out May 15th in the U.S. and Canada, May 14th in the rest of the world. This marks EELS‘ third appearance in their odd and enduring relationship with Mr. Shrek. The CD also features songs by The Ramones, Led Zeppelin and Paul McCartney. CD now available for pre-order“ (quelle: eelstheband.com)
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Mark Oliver Everettneuer eels song für shrek 3:
„Hear the new „Royal Pain“ by EELS in „Shrek The Third,“ opening in U.S. theaters May 18th. „Royal Pain“ and EELS‘ „Losing Streak“ will both be on the Shrek The Third soundtrack album CD, coming out May 15th in the U.S. and Canada, May 14th in the rest of the world. This marks EELS‘ third appearance in their odd and enduring relationship with Mr. Shrek. The CD also features songs by The Ramones, Led Zeppelin and Paul McCartney. CD now available for pre-order“ (quelle: eelstheband.com)
ein ausschnitt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXNrH6GmI30
Release date:
USA January 15, 2008
UK January 21, 2008The EELS are one of music’s most acclaimed and idiosyncratic enterprises, accomplishing what The New Yorker calls „that rarest thing in contemporary pop: a unique sound.“ The ever-changing lineup of musicians that play the songs of singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist Mark Oliver Everett (aka E), unveils both its first best of compilation, Meet The EELS: Essential EELS Vol. 1 (CD+DVD), and its first collection of rarities, B-sides, film contributions and unreleased tracks, the EELS Useless Trinkets: B-Sides, Soundtracks, Rarities and Unreleased 1996-2006 (2CD+DVD), each issued by DreamWorks/Geffen/UMe on January 15, 2008. All videos are available for the first time on DVD and all music is digitally remastered with both packages packed with never before seen photos, artifacts and Everett’s notes about each track.
Meet The EELS: Essential EELS Vol. 1 spans the first decade of the EELS with 24 selections on CD and 12 promotional videos on DVD. The CD opens with four tracks from the band’s 1996 debut Beautiful Freak, two tracks from the Eels‘ highly acclaimed second album 1998’s Electro-shock Blues follow plus a previously unreleased Jon Brion remix of „Climbing to The Moon.“
Four songs from 2000’s Daisies Of The Galaxy, which NME dubbed „a masterpiece in almost every way,“ are represented on the Essentials album plus three tracks from 2001’s Souljacker, which Time Magazine crowned as one of the best albums of the year, was acclaimed overseas with NME calling it „downright brilliant“ and the London Sunday Times named it Album Of The Year, writing that „the conventional wisdom that (the earlier album} Electro-shock Blues was E’s masterpiece will have to be reassessed: it was clearly just one of his masterpieces.“
2003’s live-in-the-studio Shootenanny! (awarded four stars by Rolling Stone) adds two fan favorites, while five songs from the highly acclaimed, and best charting album in the band’s history Blinking Lights and Other Revelations are included. Also on the Essentials album are the previously unreleased „Get Ur Freak On“, a live version of „Dirty Girl“ from 2006’s With Strings: Live At Town Hall and „I Need Some Sleep“ from the Shrek 2 soundtrack.
Highlights within the 50 CD tracks of EELS Useless Trinkets are longtime concert favorite „Living Life“ from the Daniel Johnston tribute album, the previously unreleased 2006 cover of Screamin‘ Jay Hawkins‘ „I Put A Spell On You“ and other covers including James Carr’s „Dark End of The Street“ and Prince’s „If I Was Your Girlfriend. “ Useless Trinkets also includes a large handful of BBC performances, unique live versions of „Novocaine For The Soul“ and „My Beloved Monster,“ tracks from films– The End Of Violence, Holes, Levity and How The Grinch Stole Christmas and several previously unreleased tracks including the original collections title track which frontman Everett performs backed by a 28 piece orchestra. The DVD features six performances from the EELS‘ Lollapalooza 2006 performance, including a gospel rave-up take on „My Beloved Monster“ and a high octane rumble through „Souljacker part I“.
Playlist Meet the Eels: Essential Eels Vol.1 1996- 2006 + DVD
01 novocaine for the soul
02 susan’s house
03 my beloved monster
04 your lucky day in hell
05 3 speed
06 last stop: this town
07 climbing to the moon (jon brion remix) (previously unreleased)
08 flyswatter
09 i like birds
10 mr. E’s beautiful blues
11 it’s a motherfucker
12 souljacker part 1
13 that’s not really funny
14 fresh feeling
15 get ur freak on (previously unreleased)
16 saturday morning
17 love of the loveless
18 dirty girl (live at town hall)
19 i need some sleep
20 hey man (now you’re really living)
21 i’m going to stop pretending that i didn’t break your heart
22 trouble with dreams
23 railroad man
01 Novocaine For The Soul
02 Susan’s House
03 Rags To Rags
04 Your Lucky Day In Hell
05 Last Stop: This Town
06 Cancer For The Cure
07 Flyswatter
08 Souljacker part I
09 Saturday Morning
10 Hey Man (Now You’re Really Living)
11 Trouble With Dreams
12 Dirty Girl (Live at Town Hall)eine gute zusammenstellung, wie ich finde. susan’s house und dirty girl hätte man vielleicht noch durch grace kelly blues und souljacker pt.2 ersetzen können. aber insgesamt…sehr umfassend.
Playlist Useless Trinkets: B-sides, Soundtracks, Rarities and unreleased 1996-2006 + DVD
01 novocaine for the soul (live from hell)
02 fucker
03 my beloved monster (live from tennessee)
04 dog’s life
05 susan’s apartment
06 manchester girl (BBC)
07 flower (BBC)
08 my beloved mad monster party (BBC)
09 animal
10 stepmother
11 everything’s gonna be cool this christmas
12 your lucky day in hell (michael simpson remix) (previously unreleased)
13 altar boy
14 novocaine for the soul (moog cookbook remix)
15 if i was your girlfriend (live) (previously unreleased)
16 bad news
17 funeral parlor
18 hospital food (BBC)
19 open the door (BBC)
20 birdgirl on a cell phone
21 vice president fruitley
22 my beloved monstrosity
23 dark end of the street (live) (previously unreleased)
24 the cheater’s guide to your heart (live) (previously unreleased)
25 useless trinkets (previously unreleased)DISC 2:
01 mr. E’s beautiful remix
02 souljacker part I (alternate version) (previously unreleased)
03 dog faced boy (alternate version) (previously unreleased)
04 jennifer eccles
05 rotten world blues
06 can’t help falling in love
07 christmas is going to the dogs
08 mighty fine blues
09 eyes down
10 skywriting
11 taking a bath in rust
12 estranged friends (previously unreleased)
13 her
14 waltz of the naked clowns
15 i like birds (live) (previously unreleased)
16 sad foot sign
17 living life
18 the bright side
19 after the operation
20 jelly dancers
21 i could never take the place of your man (live at Town Hall)
22 mr. E’s beautiful blues (live at Town Hall)
23 i want to protect you (previously unreleased)
24 i put a spell on you (live) (previously unreleased)
25 saw a ufo (previously unreleased)EELS LOLLAPALOOZA 2006 DVD:
01 Saturday Morning
02 Eyes Down
03 My Beloved Monster
04 A Magic World
05 Not Ready Yet
06 Souljacker part I--
Playlist Useless Trinkets: B-sides, Soundtracks, Rarities and unreleased 1996-2006 + DVD
01 novocaine for the soul (live from hell)
02 fucker
03 my beloved monster (live from tennessee)
04 dog’s life
05 susan’s apartment
06 manchester girl (BBC)
07 flower (BBC)
08 my beloved mad monster party (BBC)
09 animal
10 stepmother
11 everything’s gonna be cool this christmas
12 your lucky day in hell (michael simpson remix) (previously unreleased)
13 altar boy
14 novocaine for the soul (moog cookbook remix)
15 if i was your girlfriend (live) (previously unreleased)
16 bad news
17 funeral parlor
18 hospital food (BBC)
19 open the door (BBC)
20 birdgirl on a cell phone
21 vice president fruitley
22 my beloved monstrosity
23 dark end of the street (live) (previously unreleased)
24 the cheater’s guide to your heart (live) (previously unreleased)
25 useless trinkets (previously unreleased)DISC 2:
01 mr. E’s beautiful remix
02 souljacker part I (alternate version) (previously unreleased)
03 dog faced boy (alternate version) (previously unreleased)
04 jennifer eccles
05 rotten world blues
06 can’t help falling in love
07 christmas is going to the dogs
08 mighty fine blues
09 eyes down
10 skywriting
11 taking a bath in rust
12 estranged friends (previously unreleased)
13 her
14 waltz of the naked clowns
15 i like birds (live) (previously unreleased)
16 sad foot sign
17 living life
18 the bright side
19 after the operation
20 jelly dancers
21 i could never take the place of your man (live at Town Hall)
22 mr. E’s beautiful blues (live at Town Hall)
23 i want to protect you (previously unreleased)
24 i put a spell on you (live) (previously unreleased)
25 saw a ufo (previously unreleased)Die fett markierten Songs wurden schon auf der iTunes-Raritäten Sammlung veröffentlicht, was die CD natürlich um einiges uninteressanter macht. Evtl. lade ich die fehlenden bei – genau – iTunes, mal schaun.
Wenn ich das richtig sehe, hast du 16 von 50 Titeln. Das sind ca. 30 %, wenn mich meine Matheverständnis nicht täuscht. Ich finde, die fehlenden 70 % sollten Grund genug sein, die neue Platte zu kaufen.
Sad Foot Sign allein ist die Sammlung eigentlich schon wert.
C'mon Granddad!ursa minor
Sad Foot Sign allein ist die Sammlung eigentlich schon wert.
und erst open the door. :liebe:
TRINKEN WIE GEORGE BEST UND FUSSBALL SPIELEN WIE MARADONAMark Oliver Everettund erst open the door. :liebe:
Und Useless Trinkets und Saw an Ufo erst! :lach:
C'mon Granddad!Mr. E hat ein Buch geschrieben:
Hier gibt es ein paar Informationen: *Klick*
Außerdem wird es einen Dokumentarfilm geben: Parallel Universes, Parallel Lives
Die Eels touren zudem 2008 durch Europa: Tourdates
Edit: Merkt man eigentlich, dass ich ein kleiner Fanboy bin? :spudnikco
zezeMerkt man eigentlich, dass ich ein kleiner Fanboy bin? :spudnikco
Nein! Deine Größe ist hier nicht erkennbar.
Gibt’s eine Fortsetzung der Tour über März hinaus auch eventuell mit Station in der Batschkapp?
Je suis Charlie Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. T.P.grandandtGibt’s eine Fortsetzung der Tour über März hinaus auch eventuell mit Station in der Batschkapp?
Das halte ich für unwahrscheinlich. Es sollen noch Termine in den USA folgen, aber ich glaube nicht, dass weitere Deutschland-Termine dazukommen.
Übrigens hab ich die Tourtermine auch im Tour-Forum gepostet:
C'mon Granddad!juhu endlich mal ein eels konzert das ich sehen kann
Ein interessanter Artikel, der weniger mit den Eels zu tun hat, als mit der Theorie der Paralleluniversen von Hugh Everett: [B]„Eels“-Sänger findet verschollene Tonbänder über Paralleluniversums-Theorie
Gestern hat E sein neues Buch „Things The Grandchildren Should Know“ in einer Londoner Kirche vorgestellt. Er selbst hat ein paar Lieder gespielt, aber die Passagen aus dem Buch haben Leute aus dem Publikum gelesen. Der „Zuschauer“, der die letzte Passage gelesen hat, dürfte einigen bekannt vorkommen:
NME reports that EELS have filmed the world’s shortest commercial for their new USELESS TRINKETS CD+DVD, to be aired during the Super Bowl. Since Super Bowl television air time costs about $100,000 per second, the article claims that the EELS have opted for a one second commercial that will feature EELS front man E saying „U,“ the first letter of the album’s title.“:lol: :lol:
Schlagwörter: Eels
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