Dead & Gone

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  • #7570005  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

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    Scott „Bam Bam“ Bigelow ist am Freitag gestorben. R.I.P.


    Highlights von
    #7570007  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.07.2002

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    Oh, der war gut, R.i.p.


    #7570009  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 29.06.2006

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    jimmyjazzScott „Bam Bam“ Bigelow ist am Freitag gestorben. R.I.P.

    RIP Bam Bam


    Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got - I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block
    #7570011  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 20.12.2002

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    jimmyjazzScott „Bam Bam“ Bigelow ist am Freitag gestorben. R.I.P.

    Bin sehr geschockt gewesen gestern. Von der Todesursache habe ich bisher nichts gehört. Er hatte ja vor zwei Jahren oder so einen Motorradunfall und schwebte anschließend auch in Lebensgefahr.
    War damals immer beeindruckt, wie athletisch man mit über 3 Zentnern sein kann.


    If I'd lived my life by what others were thinkin', the heart inside me would've died.[/FONT] [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
    #7570013  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 11.07.2002

    Beiträge: 8,107

    Eric von Schmidt, 75, a Performer and Inspiration to Folk Singers, Dies

    NY Times Feb. 3

    Published: February 3, 2007
    Eric von Schmidt, a performer and composer of folk music who as a boy instantly fell in love with the blues when he heard Leadbelly on the radio, and who went on to be a mentor to and to inspire singers like Bob Dylan and Joan Baez, died yesterday in Fairfield, Conn. He was 75.

    His daughter Caitlin von Schmidt said that the cause had not been determined, but that he suffered a stroke last year. He lived in Westport, Conn.

    Mr. von Schmidt was a frisky, bearded figure, who combined a successful career as a painter of big pictures of historical subjects with an exuberant musical style he liked to apply to American folk classics. Ramblin’ Jack Elliott, the legendary cowboy singer, lauded his spirited approach to the songs of Leadbelly, the legendary blues artist, and the folk songs of Woody Guthrie.

    “Eric’s got that wild spirit, and he doesn’t water the music down for polite society,” Mr. Elliott told The Boston Globe in 1996.

    Mr. von Schmidt settled in Cambridge, Mass., in 1957 and began to hang around with students and others who were developing an interest in folk music. Soon, people who would become folk stars, like Mr. Dylan and Ms. Baez, became part of the scene.

    Mr. von Schmidt shared the large repertory of traditional music he had collected for years, and worked with performers developing a more modern version of folk music. He influenced Tom Rush, with whom he revived and arranged the most widely performed version of the traditional song “Wasn’t That a Mighty Storm?,” about the 1900 hurricane that destroyed Galveston, Tex.

    Both Mr. von Schmidt and Mr. Dylan appeared at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival, at which Mr. Dylan shocked traditionalists with electric guitars.

    In the early 1960s, Mr. Dylan had shown up at Mr. von Schmidt’s doorstep in Harvard Square in Cambridge. The two traded harmonica licks, drank red wine and played croquet. Before crashing on the couch, Mr. Dylan eagerly absorbed some of his host’s voluminous knowledge of music, including folk, country and the blues.

    “I sang him a bunch of songs, and, with that spongelike mind of his, he remembered almost all of them when he got back to New York,” Mr. von Schmidt said in The Boston Globe.

    A few months later, Mr. Dylan’s first album came out. Over the guitar introduction to “Baby, Let Me Follow You Down,” he told of meeting Mr. von Schmidt “in the green pastures of Harvard University.”

    Mr. von Schmidt had taught the song to Mr. Dylan, and it became one of his standards after being included on his first album (“Bob Dylan,” 1962). Mr. von Schmidt did not write it; he had learned it from Geno Foreman, who in turn learned it from an old 78 record by Blind Boy Fuller.

    On the blurred cover of Mr. Dylan’s fifth album, “Bringing It All Back Home” (1965), is a picture of a von Schmidt album. Mr. Dylan wrote liner notes for one, saying his friend “could sing the bird off the wire and the rubber off the tire.”

    Eric von Schmidt was born in Westport on May 28, 1931. His father, Harold, specialized in rustic portraits of the American West that appeared on magazine covers. By the time Eric was a teenager, he was selling his own illustrations.

    His interest in music was kindled by listening to the Grande Ole Opry on the radio. When he heard Leadbelly sing “Good Night, Irene” on WQXR in 1948, he immediately learned the song, since his girlfriend was named Irene.

    He skipped college, studied art in Florence, spent two years in the Army, then moved to Cambridge.

    Perhaps his most famous song is “Joshua Gone Barbados,” which many others have sung. In 1979 he was co-author, with Jim Rooney, of a book about the Cambridge scene, “Baby, Let Me Follow You Down.”

    In addition to Caitlin, who lives in Westport, Mr. von Schmidt, who was twice married and divorced, is survived by another daughter, Megan Richardson of Greenfield, Mass., and three grandsons.

    In 2000, Mr. von Schmidt developed throat cancer and became unable to sing. Years later Lyme disease made it hard for him to play the guitar. He kept up with music until six months before his death by working on a series of paintings called “Giants of the Blues.”


    Captain Beefheart to audience: Is everyone feeling all right? Audience: Yeahhhhh!!! awright...!!! Captain Beefheart: That's not a soulful question, that's a medical question. It's too hot in here.
    #7570015  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 15.05.2005

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    Eben erst gelesen: Der tschechische Filmkomponist Karel Svoboda hat sich am 28.1. das Leben genommen.
    Von ihm stammen z.B.:


    und natürlich folgendes Meisterwerk :-):



    #7570017  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 29.06.2006

    Beiträge: 17,572

    Am 6.2. ist Frankie „Old Leather Lungs“ Laine gestorben. Ich bin sehr traurig darüber. Laine war einer von den Großen und einem weitläufigeren Publikum bekannt durch z.B. die Titelsongs von „Rawhide“ oder „Blazing Saddles“ .
    Gestern ist auch noch die Anna Nicole Smith gestorben.


    Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got - I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block
    #7570019  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 15.05.2005

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    RIP Mr. Laine. Wir sollten einen seiner Songs in die 50s-Specials einbauen, ich mag z.B. Answer Me sehr gerne. Und High Noon natürlich.


    #7570021  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 19.05.2003

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    R.I.P. Frankie

    #7570023  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 09.11.2002

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    Do not forsake me, oh my darling…



    A Kiss in the Dreamhouse  
    #7570025  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 29.06.2006

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    Herr RossiUnd High Noon natürlich.

    Das ist aber eigentlich von Tex Ritter?!?


    Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got - I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block
    #7570027  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.07.2002

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    RIP – Ghost Riders in the Sky


    Di. & Do. ab 20.00 Uhr, Sa. von 20.30 Uhr Infos unter: [/COLOR][/SIZE]
    #7570029  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 09.11.2002

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    Die Oscar-prämierte Version für den Film ist von Ritter, Laine nahm es etwas später als Single auf.


    A Kiss in the Dreamhouse  
    #7570031  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 15.05.2005

    Beiträge: 87,228

    CleetusDas ist aber eigentlich von Tex Ritter?!?

    Siehe Napo (war mir auch nicht bewusst). Ich höre gerade Frankies „Rain Rain Rain“, ein Art Gospel, klasse!


    #7570033  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

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