Cover meets Kunst

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  • #6957369  | PERMALINK


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    Bob Dylan – Tempest (2012) / Theophil Hansen – Pallas-Athene-Brunnen (Wien, 1998-1902)



    Highlights von
    #6957371  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 14.09.2011

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    Jethro Tull – Ministrel in the Gallery (1975) / Joseph Nash – Twelfth Night Revels in the Great Hall, Haddon Hall, Derbyshire (Architecture of the Middle Ages, 1838)


    #6957373  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.12.2008

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    gypsy tail wind
    Das Hamilton-Cover passt aber auch noch in die Vorgaben, nicht? Da heisst der Typ wie erwähnt schlicht Vito, mehr weiss ich da auch nicht. Ich nehme jedenfalls nicht an, dass er das Ding nur für das Cover gemacht hat ;-)

    Jep, zählt! ;-) Ein paar infos habe ich bei Discogs auch noch zu Vito gefunden:

    „The cover image of Vito may be of interest to some. Vito was the perennial LA Freak, he had a squad of dancers that would show up at the early and mid 60’s Freak Outs. They would dance and freak all over the place. He also appeared in the movie „Easy Rider“. He was dressed in a red leotard and was living at the commune in the desert.


    Living Well Is The Best Revenge.
    #6957375  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 25.01.2010

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    “Vito was in his fifties, but he had four-way sex with goddesses … He held these clay-sculpting classes on Laurel Avenue, teaching rich Beverly Hills dowagers how to sculpt. And that was the Byrds’ rehearsal room. Then Jim Dickson had the idea to put them on at Ciro’s, on the basis that all the freaks would show up and the Byrds would be their Beatles.”
    Kim Fowley

    Recruits for Vito and Carl’s dance troupe weren’t likely hard to come by, given that, according to Miles, Vito operated “the first crash pad in LA, an open house to countless runaways where everyone was welcome for a night, particularly young women.” By the mid 1960s, the group had expanded into a second communal location in addition to the basement studio at 303 Laurel Avenue: the ubiquitous Log Cabin. According to Jack Boulware, writing in Mojo magazine, architect Robert Byrd and his son built a new guesthouse (aka ‘the treehouse’) on the property in the early 1960s, and “The following year, a communal family of weirdos moved into the cabin and treehouse, centered around two underground hipsters named Vito Paulekas and Carl Franzoni, organizers of freeform dance troupes at clubs along the Sunset Strip.” By 1967, the dancers were splitting “their rent with staff from the hippie publication The Oracle. Retired journalist John Bilby recalls at least 36 people living and partying at the Log Cabin and treehouse, including the band Fraternity of Man. ‘Tim Leary was definitely there, George Harrison and Ravi Shankar were there,’ Bilby says.”

    Scheint derselbe Vito zu sein … es geht dann um minderjährige Mädchen, Missbrauch von Kleinstkindern, Charles Manson …


    And it was this guy Vito Paulekas who who had a Sculpting Studio and he taught Sculpting I mean he appeared on the cover of Chico Hamilton Album in the 50s. He is just a long time archive and eventually Love – the original Love and the Byrds and I think even the Mothers all rehearsed at his studio.


    "Don't play what the public want. You play what you want and let the public pick up on what you doin' -- even if it take them fifteen, twenty years." (Thelonious Monk) | Meine Sendungen auf Radio StoneFM: gypsy goes jazz, #160: Barre Phillips (1934-2024) - 11.2., 22:00 | Slow Drive to South Africa, #8: tba | No Problem Saloon, #30: tba
    #6957377  | PERMALINK


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    The Smashing Pumpkins – Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (1995) / Jean-Baptiste Greuze – Le souvenir (1789) / Raffael – Die Hl. Katharina von Alexandrien(1507)


    #6957379  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 14.09.2011

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    Pure Prairie League – s/t (1972) / Norman Rockwell – Dreams Of Long Ago (1927)

    This cover depicts an aging cowboy surrounded by relics of the past, indicative of the shifting tides of popular culture in America at the time. Victoria Crenson, in Norman Rockwell’s Portrait of America writes, „It certainly wasn’t hard to understand why rural America found country western music appealing. But perhaps urban America enjoyed it because the independence and freedom of life on the range afforded a nostalgic look at a young country before big city problems; when nature, rather than the stock market, determined the conditions of survival.“

    The model for this Saturday Evening Post cover, James K. Van Brunt, was used extensively by Norman Rockwell, so much so that the Post editors started to complain about it. Van Brunt modeled for ten Post covers as well as countless other paintings used for advertisements. On this cover, he poses in front of a phonograph with an RCA record titled, ‚Dreams of Long Ago.‘ This record was recorded by Enrico Caruso, an Italian tenor whom Rockwell had met during his work at the Metropolitan Opera House in 1912. The lyrics include: „shadows are falling and I sit alone/My heart recalling Memories when you were my own.“ Van Brunt’s pose and expression in this piece suggest a wistful nostalgia for a time passed.

    Quelle: Norman Rockwell Museum

    Auch die anderen Alben-Cover der Band sind in einem ähnlichen Stil gehalten und zeigen den Cowboy in unterschiedlichen Situationen.


    #6957381  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.12.2008

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    TALK TALK – it’s my life (1984) / SIR JOHN EVERETT MILLAIS – the boyhood of raleigh (1870)


    Living Well Is The Best Revenge.
    #6957383  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 25.01.2010

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    „Time Out“ gab’s hier ja schon (wobei ich den Künstler nicht kenne und – wie in manchen anderen Fällen – eine Auftragsarbeit nicht ausschliessen würde … vielleicht gibt’s in den Liner Notes Angaben dazu?), aber „Time Further Out“ gibt’s auch noch:

    Dave Brubeck – Time Further Out (Cover: Joan Miró)

    Dave Brubeck – Countdown: Time in Outer Space (Cover: Franz Kline)

    Dave Brubeck – Time Changes (Cover: Sam Francis)

    Ob es sich bei einem der Gemälde um eine Auftragsarbeit handelt, weiss ich natürlich auch wieder nicht, aber ich glaube eher nicht.

    Wie es um das Cover des grossartigen „Jazz Impressions of Japan“ steht, kann ich auch nicht sagen, kann im Netz nicht einmal herausfinden, von wem das Bild stammt.


    "Don't play what the public want. You play what you want and let the public pick up on what you doin' -- even if it take them fifteen, twenty years." (Thelonious Monk) | Meine Sendungen auf Radio StoneFM: gypsy goes jazz, #160: Barre Phillips (1934-2024) - 11.2., 22:00 | Slow Drive to South Africa, #8: tba | No Problem Saloon, #30: tba
    #6957385  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 14.09.2011

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    Au Revoir Simone – Still Night, Still Light (2009) / Samuel Palmer – Shepherds Under a Full Moon (1919)


    We searched far and wide for inspiration for our album art. We really wanted something to “come to us” but it wasn’t… and we were running out of time. I found a postcard in the bottom of my desk drawer that my boyfriend had picked up at a show at the Met with this very beautiful and mysterious tree. It was a painting by Samuel Palmer and it caught my eye so i decided to research him. He was an English romantic landscape artist, and member of The Ancients, a group of 19th century artists whose work expressed a mystical vision of nature. He made so many beautiful moonscapes and said “very late twilight time with the rising dews is like a delicious dream.” It was perfect for “Still Night, Still Light” and we were very lucky to obtain permission from the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford to use the image. (Quelle)


    #6957387  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.12.2008

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    STEVE GOODMAN – say it in private (1977) / JACQUES-LOUIS DAVID – death of marat (1793)


    Living Well Is The Best Revenge.
    #6957389  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.12.2008

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    AIDAN MOFFAT & THE BEST OFS – knock on the wall of your womb (2009) / LEONARDO DA VINCI – fetus in the womb (1510 -1513)


    Living Well Is The Best Revenge.
    #6957391  | PERMALINK

    Cat Lady.

    Registriert seit: 14.08.2008

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    Mike & The Mechanics – Word Of Mouth

    Alexander Rodtschenko – Lilya Brik

    Das Plakat wirbt (roughly translated) für Bücher aller Sparten der Wissenschaft (кни́га = das Buch).


     How come the lights dim every time I plug you in?
    #6957393  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.12.2008

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    BRUCE COCKBURN – night vision (1973) / ALEX COLVILLE – horse and train (1954)

    Infos zu A. Colville


    Living Well Is The Best Revenge.
    #6957395  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.12.2008

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    SARAH BLASKO – i awake (2012) / HANS LIF – after rodin; la douleur (2009)


    Living Well Is The Best Revenge.
    #6957397  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.12.2008

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    (…hatten wir doch schon)


    Living Well Is The Best Revenge.
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