Re: Cover meets Kunst

#6957385  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 14.09.2011

Beiträge: 2,286

Au Revoir Simone – Still Night, Still Light (2009) / Samuel Palmer – Shepherds Under a Full Moon (1919)


We searched far and wide for inspiration for our album art. We really wanted something to “come to us” but it wasn’t… and we were running out of time. I found a postcard in the bottom of my desk drawer that my boyfriend had picked up at a show at the Met with this very beautiful and mysterious tree. It was a painting by Samuel Palmer and it caught my eye so i decided to research him. He was an English romantic landscape artist, and member of The Ancients, a group of 19th century artists whose work expressed a mystical vision of nature. He made so many beautiful moonscapes and said “very late twilight time with the rising dews is like a delicious dream.” It was perfect for “Still Night, Still Light” and we were very lucky to obtain permission from the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford to use the image. (Quelle)
