Re: Neil Young – On the Beach u.a. nun doch auf CD

#990257  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 11.07.2002

Beiträge: 8,107

Wer etwas anderes erwartet hatte, glaubt auch noch an den Weihnachtsmann oder hält die Beatles für eine reine Single-Band. :D

Neil Young re-issues

From ICE:

„Four of the Neil Young titles that have yet to see the CD format — On
the Beach, American Stars N‘ Bars, Hawks & Doves and Re-act-or — have
been delayed once again.
While we alluded to the numerous postponements
that have preceded the re-releases in our June issue, this latest shift
is a bit more unexpected. The delay is most likely due to the fact that
the legendary rocker’s new album, Greendale, was moved from a fall
release to August 5 in order to coincide with Young’s current tour. Stay
tuned for a new release date for the Reprise reissues, which we will
announce as soon as we hear it ourselves.“

„Turn your swords to plowshares, everywhere, and feed the people.“ –
Stephen Stills (1980)



Captain Beefheart to audience: Is everyone feeling all right? Audience: Yeahhhhh!!! awright...!!! Captain Beefheart: That's not a soulful question, that's a medical question. It's too hot in here.