Re: Cat Power

#930061  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 02.10.2009

Beiträge: 1,398

Percy ThrillingtonWar da nicht im Winter/Frühjahr was, weswegen eine Tour abgesagt werden musste :-(

Ja, leider. Ich hatte Karten für das Konzert in Köln Ende November, welches dann leider abgesagt werden musste.

Damals schrieb sie:

„As many of my fans know, I’ve been suffering from angioedema. It can attack at random & is extremely frightening and dangerous when it hits my throat, windpipe, or tongue, and I’ve been hospitalized for it eight times since the first attack, 2 DAYS AFTER MY RECORD RELEASE. Since then, I worked very very hard with all the best allergists, cardiologists, neurologists, accupuncurists, homeopathists & renowned healers that I could find, Body Talk, Reiki, Yoga, etc. so that I COULD DO THIS AMERICAN TOUR. I did my best & I want to do MORE & BETTER.

„The American tour has been wonderful and amazing, and with me being unable to AFFORD to bring my show with full production, (which i helped create) to Europe, financially, really dumped a huge additional amount of stress on me as i was and still am fighting trying to get tour support.

„I have to postpone my European tour until early next year, so I can return home and re-engage myself back into my health regimen.

„I fucking love my fans. Everything I do regarding my career, I FIRST, think of my fans and this world we all share. But right now, I HAVE TO think of myself because I have to learn trough meditation & being clear from alcohol & cigarettes & red meat and lots of rest amongst my menagerie of doctors…. I have to think of MYSELF right now because I have to now LEARN to heal myself. Through that, I can learn to help others to heal themselves. I know my fans will understand and I thank them and love them much more than I believe they could ever know. I am here and do what I do, for them and because of them. You have kept me alive this long, I refuse to give up on you OR MYSELF. And that goes to all the journalists who write a true story as well. To you all in the struggle. May light be on your path at every step.“
