Re: U2 – Songs of Innocence

#9286909  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 10.10.2002

Beiträge: 11,095

James Yorkston is not amused (via Facebook):

Ok, I know this is really a First World Problem, but…

I open my iTunes folder and… U2 have taken a gigantic shite into my computer, in the form of their new record.

Delete / uncheck / skip when shuffling – but I can’t delete? What? Why not? There must be a way…

I have never liked U2’s music but their tax dodging is inexcusable. Did they have parents? Were they bought up with morals? „Oh yeah, and one thing son, if you should end up being a billionaire, make sure you operate a tax dodge so you can keep it all. Everyone will hate you? Don’t worry about that. You’ll live forever, remember? It won’t soil your legacy at all. And remember this – the country that bought you up? Fuck ‚em. You’re more important than them all…“

But this is beyond that. It’s not a gift, U2 „giving“ us this album, it’s a vain, excruciating, arrogant wet fart – as if we should be „happy“ to be brushed on the shoulders by the cape of the Kings of Music, as if we should be „grateful“. I am not happy or grateful. I go out of my way to avoid the pompous bollocks that U2 and their ilk make. This is like David Cameron insisting he sits beside me on a flight to NYC and strokes my knee the whole way.

Yeuch. They should have named the album CRU2D.

And yes, I listened to one song – the Joey Ramone one. Well done boys, it’s as over produced, past it, self-absorbed and tacky as one would expect.

Do your music, make a living pay your taxes, have a nice life. I have nothing against you U2, but I don’t break into your houses and shit on the floor, so please don’t come through the ether and soil my PC.

The end.
