Re: Elektrosounds aller Spielarten

#927515  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 18.11.2005

Beiträge: 3,067

Ab heute bei eurem store des Vertrauens: das neue Album von CLARK – Iradelphic. Einen Vorgeschmack kann man sich hier holen:

Von der Website:

„Renowned for releasing complex, cerebral electronics, English producer Clark falls right into this category. Or does he?

Returning this Spring, Clark is giving off all the signs of being a changed man. Driven to pursue live shows, the act of performing seems to have pushed the producer into a new direction. Take new cut ‚Com Touch‘: fresh, vibrant and urgent, there’s a clarify here, an immediacy which his work sometimes lacks.

Upcoming album ‚Iradelphic‘ promises more of the same. Recruiting guest vocalists, Clark even teamed up with soulful Bristol artist Martina Topley-Bird on the sublime ‚Secret‘.“
