Re: Elektrosounds aller Spielarten

#927491  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 09.12.2007

Beiträge: 4,180

Back On Track: Nicholas Presents Nu Groove

Die Besprechung in der Spex hat mich neugierig gemacht (s. Clubmusik mit Gerd Janson)

„The music on Back On Track sounds so authentically rooted in ’90s house music that it’s tough to believe Nicholas is only in his mid twenties. It’s even more tough to believe that he’s managed to draw from such a well-known and over-plundered period of music and delivered something that doesn’t sound clichéd. It’s rare that a remix album of classic tracks ever matches up to the quality of the source material. In this case, Nicholas has gone one step further and surpassed it.“ 4.5 / 5 – Resident Advisor
