Re: Thurston Moore

#9270019  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 10.09.2003

Beiträge: 21,878

Das gestrige Konzert war phasenweise extrem toll, leider gab es im Mittelteil des Sets ein paar Schwankungen. Die Rhythmusgruppe der neuen Band ist allerdings eine absolute Bereicherung. Und das nach nur fünf gemeinsamen Gigs. War denn jemand in Hamburg oder Berlin?
Ich bin extrem gespannt, wie sie das neuen Material im Studio umgesetzt haben. Mit passender Produktion und etwas Zügelung könnte „The Best Day“ ein ziemlich großer Wurf werden.

Thurston (per E-Mail an den Guardian) zu den beiden Spontangigs im Oto:

„Steve Shelley flew into London to rehearse for our purported first gig at Pukkelpop festival in Belgium today (Friday) and we were having tea and crumpets at Café Oto Tuesday afternoon when we noticed they had nothing booked that week. We asked if we could set up and rehearse on Thursday to whomever may be lingering and Oto said sure.

“We then thought we’d just invite some friends. Then we thought well let’s announce it day-of and have some fans dig our ‘rehearsal’. Well, word got out and it became a straight-up rock’n’roll party and we plugged in and played every note we knew (so far) – all new songs, from the new album, The Best Day.

“Super Duper fun time with James Sedwards of Stoke Newington ripping wild guitar action and Deb Googe showing who is most definitely boss on the bass. And of course Steve and Thurston in stratospheric sonic form. Nice time, wish you were there. Next time? Say yes!”


Hey man, why don't we make a tune... just playin' the melody, not play the solos...