Re: Pink Floyd – The Endless River

#9246469  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 29.10.2004

Beiträge: 27,368

Auch gut gesagt:

It seems that The Endless River is receiving a slightly mixed reception. Some of the comments appear to be from people expecting a brand new life changing piece of work but David Gilmour had already made it clear that this was not going to be the case. It is a wonderful patchwork of Floydian sounds constructed from previous jam recording including the awe inspiring work of Richard Wright. The Pink Floyd of Meddle, Dark Side, Animals and The Wall is a ship that set sail long ago. This is a fantastic piece that captures the feel, textures and precision that is unmistakably Pink Floyd. It is nostalgic, it is a fitting tribute to Richard Wright, it is a fine swansong to all that came before, it is the distant ship smoke on the horizon… and it is beautiful.


Wenn ich meinen Hund beleidigen will nenne ich ihn Mensch. (AS) „Weißt du, was ich manchmal denke? Es müsste immer Musik da sein. Bei allem was du machst. Und wenn's so richtig Scheiße ist, dann ist wenigstens noch die Musik da. Und an der Stelle, wo es am allerschönsten ist, da müsste die Platte springen und du hörst immer nur diesen einen Moment.“