Re: Pink Floyd – The Endless River

#9244437  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 29.10.2004

Beiträge: 27,368

Arranged across four sections (called „four sides“), it is an instrumental album-with one song „Louder Than Words“ embedded within Side Four – that largely privileges the band’s spacey, ruminative qualities. Reassuringly, the elements for which they are best known- ethereal synths, acoustic passages, melodic guitar solos, exploratory digressions, sweeping organ- are all very much to the foreground. But critically, there is also another story here. The Endless River is a splendid tribute to one of their fallen comrades, the band’s co-founder and keyboardist, Rick Wright, who died on September 15, 2008, aged 65. Indeed, the source of The Endless River lies in material originally recorded in sessions for The Division Bell by Wright, Gilmour and Nick Mason. „When we finished the Division Bell sessions,“ says Gilmour, „we had many pieces of music, only nine of which had become songs on the LP. Now with Rick gone and with him the chance of ever doing it again, it feels right these revisited tracks should be made available as part of our repertoire“.


Wenn ich meinen Hund beleidigen will nenne ich ihn Mensch. (AS) „Weißt du, was ich manchmal denke? Es müsste immer Musik da sein. Bei allem was du machst. Und wenn's so richtig Scheiße ist, dann ist wenigstens noch die Musik da. Und an der Stelle, wo es am allerschönsten ist, da müsste die Platte springen und du hörst immer nur diesen einen Moment.“