Re: Pink Floyd – The Endless River

#9244397  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 24.03.2012

Beiträge: 464

Free Four from the NPF forum just picked up the November issue of Uncut mag which features David and Nick on the cover and reveals the following about the album….

FreeFour wrote:
It is not based on The Big Spliff

Only a few seconds of the original Big Spliff (which was created by Andy Jackson) appear.

It does not contain any source from The Soundscape (Pulse Cassette)

Rick Wrights original recording from playing the Organ at The Royal Albert Hall during afternoon rehearsals in June 1969 has been mixed in.

The LP is based on four different pieces each taking a side each.

There is one song with lyrics called „Louder Than Words“. This song is concerned with providing a full stop to the Pink Floyd saga, embracing the full history of the band. Gilmour sings ;

We bitch and we fight
But this thing that we do
It’s louder than words
The sum of our parts
The beat of our hearts
It’s louder than words

It focuses on the more atmospheric and digressive aspects of Pink Floyd and includes snippets of conversation.

Phil Manzanera played a key role throughout the project which started in August 2012 by Gilmour asking him to listen to the jam sessions.

Nick Masons drumming was the first element to be recorded in November 2013.

Gilmour and Mason spent in total 30 days over dubbing guitars and recording drums.

Apparently a very interactive and positive experience with Mason and Gilmour playing together again

Release date is 10th November.

There is much more context in the article, but hopefully this gives you an insight.
