Re: Morrissey live 2011 – Let’s go to the Hop

#7940903  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 12.07.2006

Beiträge: 12,381

Eigentlich eine kammeradschaftliche Sache, dass sich das Morrissey-Solo Board fast geschlossen hinter Tseng stellt u. den Aarhus gig u. somit Morrissey selbt mit Spott überkübelt. Natürlich geht dann jegliche Objektivität flöten u. Morrissey wird wieder mal in die ihm so vertraute Opferrolle befördert.

Eine momentan seriösere Quelle meldet:
wonderful evening in Aarhus, a city which moz said he liked very much. Moz was much more chatty at this extremely club-like show than the much bigger venue in Copenhagen. Moz played a new song probably called Scandinavia. He almost slipped down the stairs from the stage after switching to a new shirt. He used 3 shirts. A red, a black – the tourshirts – and then a shirt with small stars on it during the encore. During Meat a drunk woman yelled McDonald’s. Of course that was stupid. Security was tense and you could tell that moz’s crew certaintly were looking after David T. I will provide a setlist a little later. All in all an intense show.

Paranoia a go go.


"And everything I know is what I need to know and everything I do's been done before."