Re: Lonnie Johnson

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redbeansandricees ist eigentlich noch zu früh um den link zu posten, denn weder Victoria Spivey noch Lonnie Johnson sind bis jetzt erwähnt worden, aber Chris Albertson schreibt momentan seine Autobiografie in Blog Form, viel interessantes hat er schon geschrieben, und ich könnte mir gut vorstellen, dass zumindest die Johnson/Snowden Geschichte dort bald erscheint, falls er weiter macht …

Seit heute kommen auch Lonnie Johnson und Elmer Snowden im Blog vor.

Monday, March 1, 2010
Discovering John Hammond: A Closer Look – Part II

„… On Sundays I actually played 78 rpm discs—not vinyl reissues, the real thing, surface noise and all. I had just played a Lonnie Johnson side when I wondered aloud what might have happened to him. That brought a call from a parking lot attendant who said he had recently seen Lonnie in a local supermarket. The caller himself was no less legendary, Elmer Snowden, the man whose pianist was a young Duke Ellington. I felt I’d hit the jackpot and when I mentioned on the air that Elmer had seen Lonnie in Philadelphia, a listener called with a tip. He worked at the Benjamin Franklin, a Center City hotel where there was a janitor named Lonnie Johnson. Could it be that this pivotal jazz figure, a man who had inspired Charlie Christian and recorded with Ellington and Armstrong in the 1920s, held a menial hotel job? The caller was not sure, but he had noticed that Mr. Johnson was very protective of his hands, so he just might be a guitarist. A stretch, perhaps, but worth looking into. I went to the Benjamin Franklin and, sure enough. …“

Great job, Chris! :sonne:
