Re: Cover meets Kunst

#6956465  | PERMALINK

Here, There and Everywhere

Registriert seit: 29.12.2007

Beiträge: 2,381

RamanujanIst das Kunst?

Auf den Covern von Velvet Revolver ist jedenfalls öfter diese chilenische Münze drauf, die von 1976-1991 benutzt wurde und an den Staatsstreich von 1973 erinnern soll. Da hat die Band wohl nicht dran gedacht. :-/

Nein, haben sie nicht…

The album’s cover features a stylized 10 pesos coin from Chile produced from 1976 to 1991. The coin is an allusion to the Coup d’etat in Chile in 1973.

It was actually later stated by Slash in an interview in September 2007 by 102.1 The Edge in Dallas that the image came from a friend’s necklace. Slash reported that he had no idea what the significance of the image was until a concert in Brazil. However it also resembles a Led Zeppelin logo, a band Slash is very fond of.


In an ocean of noise, I first heard your voice. Now who here among us still believes in choice? - Not I!