Re: Musiker in SIMPSONS Episoden

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#6754941  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 09.01.2007

Beiträge: 2,378

Phish haben einen Gastauftritt in der Folge „Weekend at Burnsies“.

v.l.n.r.: Trey Anastasio, Homer Simpson, Mike Gordon

In „Weekend at Burnsies“ on The Simpsons, Phish guest stars when Homer Simpson is prescribed medical marijuana and becomes addicted. Mr. Burns hopes to use Homer at his shareholder’s meeting, making Homer laugh at everything he says, but a new law is passed that prohibits medical marijuana. So Burns fakes his death, but Smithers and Homer animate his body (a la Weekend at Bernie’s) and convince the shareholders to continue funding the power plant.

Doh! (stammt auch von Homer) :doh::lol:

Die Band spielt „Run Like An Antelope (Out Of Control)“.
Matt Groening ist übrigens „phamous phishhead“.



Free Jazz doesn't seem to care about getting paid, it sounds like truth. (Henry Rollins, Jan. 2013)