Startseite › Foren › Über Bands, Solokünstler und Genres › Eine Frage des Stils › Blue Note – das Jazzforum › Keith Jarrett › Re: Keith Jarrett
Ja, aber erwarte nicht, dass ich aus meinen 6000+ Alben spontan viele nenne kann
Das hier gab’s auf Dime, als Kommentar zur AUD-Aufnahme vom Konzert in der Symphony Hall in San Francisco am 19. März 2010 – ich hab die Erlaubnis eingeholt von John Monahan (El Cerrito, CA), seinen Kommentar weiterzuverbreiten – als Augenzeugenbericht finde ich ihn sehr spannend:
wowsers… been waiting this one out for a year now, THANK YOU so much for this, incredible archivist moment here… I have been seeing shows for a looooong time now, ooodles of them, and this was my first experience with Mr. Jarrett… To say it was stunning on multiple levels is one place to begin. I had heard about the rarity/allure of his solo performances and was familiar with his incredible pedigree/eccentricity going in, but i wasn’t truly prepared for what unfolded. to keep it short what i saw/felt this was some of the most beautiful music i had ever heard, akin(in my mind) to what it might be like watching a Beethoven/Mozart in their own day. I don’t mean to go overboard, but it was simply moving in a „you know this dude is touched“ way. But, even better, and the archivist moment of which i speak, will be found in the banter/criticism/antagonism of the crowd itself from the performer. Maybe this was just my first round with Keith, but my jaw was on the floor when he let it rip into the crowds noise/coughing. First set we were chided and got playful warnings of his belief in our insensitivity, but during the second set it became almost hostile, on both ends; crowd and performer, at one point cat calls from the audience start to ring out as he is talking about how crappy an audience we are „Just fucking play!!“ again, my jaw firmly on the ground. This dude hates us collectively, and now the crowd is rightfully or forcibly turning on him!! It was one of the strangest things i have ever seen during my years of tracing the artist/audience dynamic. And all this happening in a sold out, pristine civilized setting of high jazz and modern concert hall. It was sorta funny until KJ stated pretty much, „OK, thought we could try for the magic, but if this is the show you want(schlock for the masses), you got it“ and he proceeded to play „louder“ songs, Summertime i think being the part of the show of which i speak. Folks began to leave, and it was my true belief that the magic we had been witness to for most of the performance was now being willfully thrown out by the performer himself, to effectively punish us!!! this was leaving a bad taste in my mouth, and i didn’t know who to be more pissed at, KJ or the folks in the crowd who challenged him audibly… I commend Mr. Jarrett for his incredible dedication to his art, and i adore the attitude/ideas of in-concert theory he wants to explore and espouse, but to try and do this in a setting of one person talking to/really talking down to his PAYING/CARING(in some fashion) crowd is just the wrong place to accomplish this. I honestly can’t say what other forum KJ might use, other than handing out required reading material before you enter the hall… This show was SOOOO interesting to me, and i gotta say, after the worst of times in the second set, and after many in the crowd had left, the magic returned and there was a tremendous outpouring of love from the crowd very many walk off/back on standing ovations and encores… I would go seek out Keith in any capacity or format in the future despite my confusion/slight disappointment with his delivery of verbal ideas to a crowd which cannot respond collectively. It was so silent in the room at times i think folks were coughing/noisy just to hear themselves, in an absolutely sub-conscious way, and maybe some folks coughing just to be mischievous after being prodded to, like idiots who yell out during the silent moments at any show, you know, just to hear themselves. This was one of the most enjoyable/strangest nights i’ve ever spent inside a concert hall, i heartily thank Mr. Jarrett and i even this wonderful SF audience which reacted accordingly; most of all i thank you the uploader and taper for this insanely important document, at least in my own personal concert history. what a night.
@vorgarten: auf Dime gibt’s dauernd inoffizielle Jarrett-Aufnahmen, falls Du Dich mit Bit-Torrent rumschlagen magst… wenn Du etwas ganz bestimmtes suchst, kann ich Dir ev. auch aushelfen, aber so gross wie Maurizios Jarrett-Boots-Sammlung ist meine lange nicht!
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