Re: JAMES YORKSTON – When The Haar Rolls In

#6717167  | PERMALINK

Gang of One

Registriert seit: 03.11.2004

Beiträge: 5,644

Der Verfasser des Konzertreviews mag einfach Yorkstons Nase nicht; das sagt er doch selber. ;-)

The gig leaves me empty and with but one question – what was „the master“ Jansch and Rodrigo Y Gabriela thinking when they “shared” the stage with this abomination of humanity. May be they were tricked into it, or James‘ „special friend“ pulled some „strings“ for him… (was that your buddy who owned the bar that Jansch played at, James, yes, yes it was… )

In sumerisation:

James is a dullard with ginger comb-over hair and the ego the size of his nose – which would be considerably more at home on a giant, and I mean GIANT, warthog.

Er bezeichnet Yorkston als zutiefst abscheulich und hassenswert („an abomination of humanity“) und meint, seine Nase würde besser zu einem riesigen Warzenschwein passen als zu einem Menschen…


To Hell with Poverty