Re: Filmmusik (Scores)

#6311163  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 02.05.2003

Beiträge: 46,551

In his final years, Bernard Herrmann was being re-discovered by an entirely new generation of film directors who had grown up inspired by classic films featuring his music. He had even begun a series of newly recorded albums in which he conducted excerpts from many of his most prestigious scores. The first of these, recorded with the National Philharmonic Orchestra, was „Music From The Great Movie Thrillers“, an affectionate homage to his work for the films of Alfred Hitchcock. When the album was released in 1968 Herrmann hoped that its appearance might soften Hitchcock’s heart toward him. With his new bride, Norma, at his Side, Herrmann returned to Los Angeles from England and visited Hitchcock’s office, wanting to introduce her to his old friend. Hitchcock, lurking on the other side of the door, refused to see him, sending Herrmann into a rage, storming out the door to the director’s office for the last time.

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"Film is a disease. And the only antidote to film is more film." - Frank Capra