Re: 45 Revolutions – Punk Mod Powerpop Indie Singles

#5965377  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 10.10.2004

Beiträge: 8,311

RIKKI & THE NUMBERS – The Heartbreak Kid (Rainbow, 1977) *
THE DEPRESSIONS – Living On Dreams (Barn, 1977) * 1/2
DOLL BY DOLL – The Palace Of Love (Automatic, 1979) * 1/2
THE TIGHTS – Bad Hearts (Cherry Red, 1978) * 1/2
THE HOMOSEXUALS – Hearts In Exile (Lorelei, 1979) * * 1/2
THE PLEASERS – You Don’t Know (Arista, 1978) * 1/2
THE TOURISTS – Blind Among The Flowers (Logo, 1979) * 1/2 (double-pack) * (single 7″)

Aus dem Buch
INDEX OF COLLECTABILITY: From * to * * * * * *, where
* indicates records which are not really collectable, if collectable, are extremely common
* 1/2 to * * indicates records which are collectable but not particularly rare of, if rare, not very collectable
* * 1/2 to * * * 1/2 indicates rare and collectable records
* * * * to * * * * * * indicates extremely rare and extremely collectable records.

Die erste Frage kann ich leider nicht beantworten da ich noch nicht grossartig darin gelesen habe. Bei dem wenigen was ich gelesen habe musste ich aber weder schmuzeln noch habe ich mich darüber geärgert.
