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Laut dem oben erwähnten stevehoffman-forum sind durch einen Fehler bei Capitol bei allen 4 CD`s nicht die originalen US-Monomixe verwendet worden. Die damit fehlerhafte Box ist schon in Irland, England, Frankreich und Japan in den Handel gekommen. Capitol hat es wohl auch schon gemerkt, bleibt abzuwarten wie sie reagieren werden.
We have learned today that there is a compilation error on the Beatles VI and Rubber Soul discs contained in the initial manufacturing run of The Capitol Albums Volume 2 box set.
In particular, the third party mastering facility incorrectly sent stereo-to-mono mixdowns of Beatles VI and Rubber Soul to the manufacturing plants. Capitol Records had ordered and approved mono masters made from the original 1965 mono tapes, which were delivered to the mastering facility directly from the Capitol vault. As soon as Capitol learned of the error, the correct mono masters were sent to the manufacturing plants for another production run. Although there is no discernable difference in the sound quality of the initial run, Capitol made the adjustment for historical accuracy.
There are subtle differences between the stereo and mono versions of a few of the songs on the two affected albums. The most noticeable is „I’m Looking Through You“ on Rubber Soul. The song has a false start guitar intro unique to the Capitol stereo album (track 9 on the CD). The improperly compiled CD of Rubber Soul contains a stereo-to-mono mixdown of the song. Thus, the mono version of the song (track 21 on the CD) also has a false start intro. The mono version of the song on the corrected CD does not contain the false start intro.
Capitol will be issuing information for consumers who purchase box sets with the improperly compiled discs and wish to obtain replacement copies.
Captain Beefheart to audience: Is everyone feeling all right? Audience: Yeahhhhh!!! awright...!!! Captain Beefheart: That's not a soulful question, that's a medical question. It's too hot in here.