Re: Pink Floyd

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Roger Waters Online:
Roger Waters to perform again with Pink Floyd
___ It has now been announced officially that Roger Waters will indeed rejoin Pink Floyd for a one off performance with his former super group Pink Floyd. Roger Waters will join David Gilmour, Nick Mason and Richard Wright for a 30 minute slot as part of the Live 8 concert planned for Hyde Park London July 2nd. According to UK press Pink Floyd will be the last act on stage and will perform 3 or 4 songs. Tickets are not on sale for the day long concert, although winners of a text entry competition will be alerted later this week. Further tickets will be available via media competitions, watch this space. Roger Waters has said of the planned concert, „“It’s great to be asked to help Bob (Geldof) raise public awareness on the issues of third world debt and poverty. The cynics will scoff, screw ‚em!“ The London concert, which aims to send an anti-poverty message to leaders at next month’s G8 summit, will feature top acts including Cold Play, Sir Paul McCartney, Madonna and Robbie Williams and will be televised world wide.


Wenn ich meinen Hund beleidigen will nenne ich ihn Mensch. (AS) „Weißt du, was ich manchmal denke? Es müsste immer Musik da sein. Bei allem was du machst. Und wenn's so richtig Scheiße ist, dann ist wenigstens noch die Musik da. Und an der Stelle, wo es am allerschönsten ist, da müsste die Platte springen und du hörst immer nur diesen einen Moment.“