Re: Starsailor

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Es gibt Neuigkeiten! Starsailor arbeiten an einem neuen Album! :sonne:

Starsailor make headway with new album
‚The ballads are back!‘ says James Walsh

Starsailor are hard at work on their fourth album, the band have revealed. Posting on the band’s messageboard, singer James Walsh informed fans what his group have been up to. „We found a great little place near Henley to write and record songs for our next album,“ he wrote „We are now in great shape with around 15 songs written but we will continue doing tracks until we are happy we have got the best songs we could possibly write.“ According to Walsh, those songs include ‚Let Go‘, ‚Do You Believe In Love?‘, ‚Won’t Stop Now‘ and ‚Change My Mind‘. He continued: „I think we have struck a great balance between our heavier side and our more emotional downbeat side. There are some stompers certainly but also the ballads are back! I can’t wait for you to hear some of these songs and we hope to be able to play them live for you in the near future.“

Starsailor’s last LP was 2005’s ‚On The Outside‘. (Quelle:NME)

James Walsh original Eintrag vom 22. Januar 2007 ist hier nachzulesen.
