Re: Randy Newman

#358455  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 11.06.2006

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Nur mal so am Rande. Ein Auszug aus einem Sechs-Stunden-Interview mit Jim Steinman wo er u.a. nochmal schildert was für immense Schwierigkeiten er und Meat Loaf hatten BAT OUT OF HELL an den Start zu bringen…

Jim SteinmanAnd that’s one of the reasons I think (laugh) he didn’t like it. But nobody from Warner Brothers did except from, which I’ll never forget Mo Austin was one of the greatest people I’ve ever met in music. He was sort of the father of Warner Brothers. And he liked it (laugh). He actually apologized to me, he said I can’t sign this because I had 40 people there and 37 of them hated it and 11 actually said they’d quit if I signed it.

– He said that doesn’t order well for the support I get from the company. He said but I liked it and he said one other person liked it, you won’t know who he is but he was sitting outside because he hates auditions but this fellow named Randy Newman liked it and Randy Newman is one of my heroes. So that was nice to know. But everyone else hated it. And had no luck out there, but we had no luck in general with Bat Out Of Hell, it was really an uphill battle against actually very deep seeded prejudices and hatreds.

Wem’s interessiert hier das ganze (lesenswerte) Interview:
